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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are the three things to remember about bully?
(1) bullying is not ‘normal’; (2) one type of bullying is not better than another; and (3) all bullying i
Why all bully is wrong?
Give three causes of bully
What is a bully?
Houy is only 15 years old but her parents want to marry her off to a rich family. Houy just wants to continue studying but her parents do not listen to her. What can you do to help her?
Your neighbor throws rubbish everywhere so it causes a terrible smell and attracts a lot of flies. What can you do to stop them?
Give 3 examples of emotional bullying
Give 3 examples of physical bullying
Give 3 examples of verbal bullying
How many types of bully? what are they?
Jane can not find a job in her country so she decides to _________ another country to find a job.
A lot of people in some countries live in ___________ and have nothing to eat.
Some teenagers often do __________ because they follow their friends.
Criminals always commit a ___________ at night.