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Chemistry 2A Review

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What is the oxidation number of oxygen in NaOH?
Why do lone pairs on a central atom change the geometric shape of the molecule?
The lone pairs are a repulsive force against the electrons surrounding other atoms bonded to the central atom, thus changing the bond angles
Why can an element assume the configuration of a noble gas without actually being a noble gas? What allows the element to retain its identity?
Only the number of electrons change the configuration, but the number of protons in the nucleus determines the identity.
Does hydride, H(-1) have a noble gas configuration? Why?
Yes [He]. It has a full valence shell: since only two electrons can fill an s orbital, the addition of a single electron to hydrogen matches the noble gas He.
The reaction between CuCl2 and Hg(ClO4) will form what products? What are their solubilities?
Cu(ClO4)2: Aqueous HgCl: Solid
What's the formula for a nitrite ion?
NO3 (-2)
Name the ion: Na2SO4
Sodium sulfate
What's the difference between ions and molecules?
Ions are formed when electrons are transferred and atoms are attracted by charge. Molecules are formed when atoms share electrons in different types of bonds.
Name the ion: KI
Potassium Iodide
Is Li2SO4 soluble?
What are the three types of chemical reactions?
Acid-base neut., redox, precipitation
What is another name for an acid-base reaction?
Neutralization reaction
Where does the value of the actual yield come from?
How do we find the theoretical yield of a reaction?
Gram-mole conversions using the balanced reaction and the amount of reactant(s) used.
How do you find the molecular weight of CH4? What is that value?
Add up the atomic weights of all atoms in the molecule. CH4 ~ 16g/mol
Why does a chemical reaction have to be balanced before it can be used for any computation?
Law of Conservation of Mass
What is the formula for percent yield?
Actual yeild / theoretical yield = as a percent
When naming transition metal ions, what do the Roman numerals represent? (Ex. Silver(II) )
Represents the charge on the ion
What do we mean by saying a chemical equation has "no reaction"?
When products are not actually formed, but momentarily combined and separated again. Ex. two aqueous solutions produce two different aqueous solutions
How can you recognize a precipitation reaction?
A solid and an aqueous solution will be formed by the reaction of two aqueous solutions
How can you recognize an acid-base reaction given the chemical equation?
An acid and a base will be in the reactants (look for H on one and OH on the other) and water will be a product
What ions are released by acids and bases respectively?
Hydronium and hydroxide ions
What is the charge of iron in FeCl2? What's the name of this compound?
Charge: +2. Iron(II) chloride
What is the charge on a nitrite ion? What ion would bond to one nitrite ion? What's the formula
Charge: -1. Ex. Na+ : NaNO2
Name the following compound: Na2SO4
Sodium sulfate
What is the formula for silver cyanide?
How do you determine the charge cloud of a molecule? What does the charge cloud of HCl look like?
Look at the lone pairs on each atom. Chlorine has three lone pairs making it more negatively charged. Hydrogen has no lone pairs, so it's positively charged.
What geometric shape results from a central atom that is bonded to a single atom and has three lone pairs?
What geometric shape results from a central atom that is bonded to two other atoms and has a single lone pair?
Planar trigonal
Why do some elements "disobey" the octet rule when forming bonds in covalent compounds?
Pairing electrons can fill the d orbital(s) and thus form more bonds than allowed by the valence shell.
How many bonds does nitrogen like to form in covalent molecules?
3 bonds
How many bonds does oxygen like to form in covalent molecules?
2 bonds
How many bonds does carbon like to form in covalent molecules?
4 bonds
Covalent compounds are most known for what physical property?
Low melting/boiling points
Based on their Lewis structures, what is the difference in bonding between a carbon dioxide molecule and a carbonate ion?
Carbonate has a double bond & lone pair on carbon. Carbon dioxide has two double bonds.
Name the compound: TiCl4
Titanium tetrachloride
Name the molecular compound: N2O5
Dinitrogen pentoxide