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Unit 4: What are you doing

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I am loving / love / is loving baseball and I’m on the school team.
I am getting / get / gets my uniform ready right now.
am getting
We are often going / often go / often going shopping at the weekends.
often go
My name is being / is / am Bond, James Bond.
He is ______________ (read) various kinds of books.
You are ______________ (shop) in that market.
We are ______________ (come) for shopping in this market.
They are ______________ (play) football now.
I never ________________ (go) to the cinema on weekdays.
Please, be quiet! I _____________ (talk) by the phone
am talking
The train always ________________ (arrive) on time.
Martin ________________ (buy) a book about animals right now.
is buying
He ________________ (run) to the park every day.
I ____________ games at the moment.
'm not playing
Ana and Clara _________________ a story now.
aren't writing
Carlos __________________ photos at the moment.
isn't cutting
I _______________ a story right now.
am writing
Carlos __________________ games at the moment.
is playing
Ana and Clara __________________ photos right now.
are cutting
We __________ volleyball at school, and I really enjoy it.
My friends and I __________ cycling at the weekends.
My sister _________ athletics. She’s a fast runner.
You can travel very fast and you use something with two wheels.
Go cycling
In this activity, you sometimes need to fight someone.
Do martial arts
You do this sport in the sea, and you get wet.
Go swimming
This sport takes place outside on a river, lake or the sea.
Go fishing
This is a team sport and the ball can touch your hands and the floor.
Play handball
To do this sport, you need a mountain and snow.
Go skiing
For this team sport, every player holds a stick.
Play hockey
In this sport, you use a ball, but don’t touch it with your hands.
Play football