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If we take SPELL (WITH) doing the painting, it won't seem like such hard work/ (Spoken words tht r thought t hv magical power,o(the condition f bein under)the influence o control f such words)
A period when u do ST tht SB else would usu b doin,esp so as t allow em t rest (US)/ The witch cast/put a SPELL on the prince and he turned into a frog.
I lived in Cairo for a SPELL. She had a brief SPELL as captain of the team/ A SPELL of dry weather The weather forecast is for dry, sunny SPELLS.
A period f time fo which an activity o condition lasts continuously/ A short period f a particular type f weather
You've been driving for a while - do you want me to SPELL you?=> The new regulations could SPELL disaster for small businesses. This cold weather could SPELL trouble for gardeners. (Spell disaster, trouble, etc)
Do ST tht SB else would usu b doin,esp so as t allow em t rest=> Cause something bad to happen in the future
You don't need to DRESS UP to go to the mall - jeans and a T-shirt are fine/ Little kids usually love DRESSING UP in their mothers' clothes=> The kids were playing DRESS-UP with their mothers' shoes and hats. (US)
Put on fml clothes fo a special occasion/ Put on special clothes in order t change ur appearance=> Puttin on clothes & pretendin t b ST,o t b SB different
She was taken into hospital last week when her condition suddenly DETERIORATED=> A DETERIORATION in relations between the two countries
become worse
very serious and harmful changes in the world's weather, in particular the fact that it is believed to be getting warmer as a result of human activity increasing the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
Can the world save itself from CLIMATE BREAKDOWN?
People with MILD COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT have an increased risk of developing dementia. (MEDICAL)
a problem with some mental abilities, such as remembering, but nothing bad enough to affect someone's daily life
A MILD-MANNERED philosophy professor
A mild-mannered person is gentle and does not show extreme emotions
She can't accept even MILD criticism of her work/ We've had a MILD winter this year/ He doesn't like a hot curry - he prefers a MILD one/ A shy, MILD sort of guy=> MILDNESS
Nt violent, severe, o extreme/ Mild weather is nt very cold o nt as cold as usual/ Describe food o a food flavor tht is nt very strong/ Gentle & calm
Everyone should PAIR UP for the next dance.
join together temporarily with another person in order to do something
All that time she'd been LEADING HIM ON(= pretending she liked him), but she was only interested in his money.
persuade someone to believe something that is untrue
The team seemed to be heading for disaster until a late goal SAVED THE DAY
do something that prevents a likely defeat or failure
FOR ONCE, the bus came on time.
used when something happens that does not usually happen
Celluloid film wasn't perfect – FOR ONE THING, it was flammable.
one reason is
The rest of you may disagree, but I, FOR ONE, think we should go ahead with the plan.
used to say that you think your opinion or action is right, even if others do not
(FML) Beach operators do not have a legal obligation to PROVIDE AGAINST injury or drowning.
make plans in order to prevent or deal with a bad situation
My whole family ARE RIGHT BEHIND ME in this crisis.
If you are right behind someone, you give them your complete support
The president pushed through a multi-million dollar RESCUE PACKAGE for the ailing economy. (FINANCE, ECONOMICS)
the set of loans, investments, or other financial advantages that are offered to a company, economy, etc. to save it from financial failure
A young wild deer is recovering at an animal RESCUE CENTER after being hit by a car. A dog lover, he wants to fund a RESCUE CENTER
a place where animals who are ill, injured, not cared for, or badly treated can be taken and given treatment and care
A place where soldiers are trained to become officers/ A private school in the US that expects students to obey the rules, has uniforms, and is generally run like the armed forces
The paintings in the alcove were SPOTLIT from below/ SPOTLIGHT=> The senator has been IN THE SPOTLIGHT recently since the revelation of his tax frauds ((F a person) receiving a lot of public attention)
Llight ST o SB w a spotlight/ If ST spotlights a particular situation, it directs public attention t it
Shall we GET TOGETHER on Friday and go for a drink or something?/ She GOT TOGETHER WITH Paul two years ago=> (An ifml meeting o social occasion,often arranged fo a particular purpose)
If 2 o more ppl get together, they meet each other,havin arranged it before/ Start a romantic relationship (IFML)=> A family GET-TOGETHER (IFML)
The blast was felt as far as 30 miles from GROUND ZERO/(The place where the World Trade Center stood in New York City before it was destroyed in an attack on 11 September, 2001)/ Wu Han is a GROUND ZERO for the Covid-19 pandemic
The exact place where a nuclear bomb explodes/ GROUND ZERO has become a tourist landmark/ A place where ST important happens or starts happenin
Everyone in the office has to be ON THE SAME PAGE about what our top priorities are.
have the same ideas as someone else
He argues that corporate PHILANTHROPY transforms the culture of the firm concerned=> As a PHILANTHROPIST he donated substantial sums to many educational and charitable institutions=> A PHILANTHROPIC organization
the activity f helpin the poor,esp by givin em money
A fast motorboat WHOOSHED by=> No sooner had she arrived than, WHOOSH, she was off again. (EXCLAMATION)
move along quickly, making a soft sound like the wind=> Used to describe something that happens very fast, with no pauses or delay
(IFML) The train sped through the station with a WHOOSH/ I felt a great WHOOSH of adrenalin.
A soft sound made by ST movin fast through the air o like tht made when air is pushed out f ST/ A sudden fast movement f a liquid o air
pay for yourself rather than allowing someone else to pay
The DISCORDANCE between the play's bleak philosophy and its cheerful surface is interesting. (FML)
The quality f lookin o soundin different o wrong compared w other things,o an example f this
The third movement failed to impress me and came close to DISCORDANCE in my ears/ Perhaps this incident will allow us to move on from current political DISCORDANCES
an unpleasant sound o combination f sounds/ A disagreement,o the quality f nt bein in agreement w ST o SB else (FML)
DISCORDANT/ DISCORDANT opinions prevail even among good judges=> The contemporary dialogue STRUCK A slightly DISCORDANT NOTE
producin an unpleasant sound/ Describe st tht is nt in agreement w st else=> Look or sound different or wrong compared with everything else (FML)
GLOBAL DEMAND for air transportation has increased by 12% in the past year.
total demand for a product or service in all parts of the world (ECONOMICS)
In the beach resort, the apartments and villas have daily MAID service. In California many illegal immigrants work as MAIDS and gardeners.
a woman who works as a servant in a hotel or in someone's home
We continuously compare budgeted amounts with ACTUALS/ Transactions can be trade in ACTUALS or by means of futures contracts (ST tht physically exists suchas oil, metal, grain,o coffee tht is traded on the stock market)
An amount f money tht a company really spends,rather thn an amount f money tht it plans o expects t spend (ACCOUTING)/ (STOCK MARKET)
We had estimated about 300 visitors, but the ACTUAL number was much higher=> I thought she was Portuguese, but IN ACTUAL FACT she's Brazilian.
existin in fact=> REALLY
The chancellor was urged to KEEP A TIGHT A REIN ON public finances.
control something, especially spending, in a very careful way
(IFML) He was too TIGHT to pay for a taxi so we had to walk/ Jim, you're TIGHT! (OLD-FASHIONED, IFML)/ The two of them were pretty TIGHT at school
unwilling t spend money/ Havin drunk too much alcohol/ If 2 ppl r tight, they know each other very well & like each other a lot (IFML)
The whales were swimming in a TIGHT circle/ (If a race, competition, election, etc. is tight, the ppl, teams,o orgs involved r f a similar standard & equally likely t b successful)/ I'm sorry I can't stay for a chat, time's really TIGHT
curvin sharply,nt gradually o loosely/ The new governor was elected after an unexpectedly TIGHT race/ If time o money is tight, there's only just enough f it
Some people experienced TIGHT chests after exercising in areas of high pollution/ Lookin o soundin as if u r angry, frightened,o nervous,& nt relaxed)/ TIGHT security (Tight controls o rules severely limit wht cn happen)
A tight feeling is an uncomfortable feeling f pressure in part f ur body, caused by illness,fear, etc/ In a small, TIGHT voice, she said, "Help me, please"/...
I can't untie the knot - it's too TIGHT/ That jacket's too TIGHT - you need a bigger size/ If you sit for long periods, it can make your hamstring muscles very TIGHT on the back of your thighs.
(held o kept together) firmly o closely/ Clothes o shoes tht r tight fit the body too closely & r uncomfortable/ Tight muscles feel stiff and difficult to move
She got 90 percent, but Fred RAN HER CLOSE with 87 percent.
be nearly as good, fast, etc. as someone else
We've been RUNNING AROUND IN CIRCLES trying to get the information we need, but no-one will tell us anything.
be very active but with few results (IFML)
When things look black, there's always a SILVER LINING. The injury had a SILVER LINING lining: it enabled Blake to spend his father's last weeks with him.
an advantage that comes from a difficult or unpleasant situation
The TV won't work if the cable's not CONNECTED/ They're not blood relations - they're just CONNECTED by marriage.
joined together/ Related to someone or ST
If the game ends in a tie, OVERTIME will be played. They lost to the Bears in OVERTIME.
a period of time in a sports game in which play continues if neither team has won in the usual time allowed for the game
They're doing/working OVERTIME to get the job done on time. Everyone is on OVERTIME this weekend=> You can earn some OVERTIME by working after 6.00 p.m.
(time spent working) after the usual time needed o expected in a job=> Extra payment for working after the usual time
used to represent the sound of kissing, especially when people meet and kiss each other on or near the cheek
He's not sure about the idea, but I'm sure we'll WIN him OVER in the end. This is the last chance for the candidates to WIN OVER voters.
Persuade someone to support you or agree with you, often when they were opposed to you before
ERGONOMIC design/features, I use an ERGONOMIC desk chair=> An ERGONIMICALLY designed computer mouse
Relating to the design of furniture or equipment which makes it comfortable and effective for people who use it
Consumers are buying more MID-RANGE cars as the price of fuel continues to rise/ A MID-RANGE score from a credit-rating agency
(COMMERCE in the middle of a range of products/ Not the highest or the lowest
MARGINALLY more expensive, The results were MARGINALLY above expectations. MARGINALLY better/worse/bigger
Slightly, by a very small amount
A war crimes TRIBUNAL, She took her case to an immigration appeals TRIBUNAL.(LAW)
A special court or group of people who are officially chosen, especially by the government, to examine (legal) problems of a particular type
A STELLAR explosion, STELLAR light/ A STELLAR performance/player/team
Of a star or stars/ (IFML) Stellar people or activities are of an extremely high standard
In her speech, she paid a GLOWING tribute to her predecessor. His latest book has received GLOWING reviews=> Engineers speak GLOWINGLY of the device.
Praising with enthusiasm
Oil FUTURES topped $88 a barrel for the first time. Currency/bond/dollar FUTURES, Winter wheat was quoted at 57 cents a bushel more than the July FUTURES price. (FINANCE, STOCK, MARKET)
Agreements to buy and sell particular shares, goods, etc. on a particular date in the future at a fixed price. Futures can be traded on financial markets
She has TERMINAL cancer/ A TERMINAL patient/ She claims that the shipbuilding industry is in TERMINAL decline.
(A disease o illness)leading gradually t death/ A terminal patient is one who is seriously ill & will die soon/Extreme, when referring t ST unpleasant o serious
INASMUCH AS you are their commanding officer, you are responsible for the behaviour of these men. (FML)
Used to introduce a phrase that explains why or how much something described in another part of the sentence is true
The newspaper report did not SPECIFY how the men were killed. My contract SPECIFIES (that) I must give a month's notice if I leave my job=> All products are made exactly to the customer's SPECIFICATIONS.
Explain or describe something clearly and exactly=> A detailed description of how something should be done, made, etc.
Although our skin looks smooth, when MAGNIFIED it is full of bumps and holes/ The hot summer MAGNIFIED the racial tensions in the community.=> MAGNIFICATION
Make ST look larger than it is, esp by looking at it through a lens/ Make a problem bigger or more important
This excellent set of results TESTIFIES TO the company's strength in the market.
Show or prove that something exists or is true
He TESTIFIED that he had seen the man leaving the building around the time of the murder/ He TESTIFIED that the store owner had lied when he applied for the state license. (LAW)
Speak seriously bout st, esp in a law court, o give o provide proof/ (LAW) Make a formal statement about something, especially in a court of law
They won their first match of the season 5–1 which was an AUSPICIOUS start/beginning. Our first meeting was not AUSPICIOUS - we had a huge argument=> The day did not begin AUSPICIOUSLY.
Suggesting a positive & successful future (FML)
an officer of high rank in the British Army, the US Army, and many other armed forces
If parents are encouraged to be involved in school, there is less chance of a THEM-AND-US situation developing. The management has its own restaurant. - It's definitely a case of THEM AND US. (IFML)
Used when describing disagreements or differences, especially between different social groups
an especially bad enemy
Car makers were among the HARDEST HIT consumers bought fewer vehicles last month. The area has been HIT HARD BY job losses in textiles and furniture.
Be badly affected by something (HIT HARD/ BE HARD HIT)
a game in which people must collect a number of items in a given period of time without buying them
Most dead birds are picked up by crows or other SCAVENGERS/ She earns her living as a SCAVENGER at the city dump.
A bird or an animal that feeds on dead animals that it has not killed itself/ SB who collects things that people have thrown away or left somewhere
The flood has left people and animals desperately SCAVENGING FOR food. We managed to SCAVENGE a lot of furniture from the dump/ SCAVENGE
Look fo o get food o other objects in other ppl's rubbish/ If a wild animal scavenges, it feeds on the flesh of dead decaying animals.
(IT) Criminals create networks of BOTS that roam the internet infecting PCs with malware/ BOT (IFML)
A computer program that works automatically, esp one that searches for & finds info on the internet/ A robot
The call centre has an 80-strong workforce. (-STRONG)
used after a number to show how many people belong to or are involved in something
He CAME ON STRONG in the early rounds to annihilate the competition. (US)
Make an extra effort in order to be successful or to have control in a situation
The FATEFUL day of President Kennedy's assassination, He made the FATEFUL decision to send in the troops.
Hving an important & usually negative effect on the future
an older man who you treat like a father, especially by asking for his advice, help, or support
The children were SHIPPED OFF to their grandparents' house for the holidays. The machine was SHIPPED OFF to the nearest repair facility.(IFML)
Send someone or something away somewhere
People who work with FURNACES in a steel factory need to wear protective clothing/ It's cold in here - should I turn on the FURNACE? (US)
A container tht is heated t a very high temperature,so tht substances tht r put inside it, suchas metal, will melt o burn/A piece f equipment fo heatin a buildi
"The Aviator" was DiCaprio's first star vehicle as an EXECUTIVE PRODUCER
A person who is in charge of the making of a film, with responsibility for its financing (= how it is paid for)
J.J. Abrams was the creator and EXECUTIVE PRODUCER of "Lost"
a person who is in charge of a TV series and has control over creative and management decisions that relate to it
PERFUMED bath oil, Expensively PERFUMED women
Having a pleasant perfume
It was a TECHNICALLY brilliant performance.
in a way that relates to practical skills and methods that are used in a particular activity
TECHNICALLY, the country's economic problems are over, but recovery will be slow/ TECHNICALLY advanced weapons
According to an exact understanding of rules, facts, etc/ In a way that relates t the knowledge, machines, o methods used in science & industry
This century has witnessed environmental destruction on an UNPRECEDENTED scale.
Never having happened or existed in the past
an area next to a road where people can park their vehicles, go to the toilet, eat, etc. (US)
You can REST ASSURED that you’re going to get a good deal.
Be certain that something will happen
They carried out/performed an AUTOPSY. The body arrived for AUTOPSY at the Dallas hospital.
The cutting open & examination of a dead body in order to discover the cause of death
a place, often next to a church, where dead people are buried
a party when a group of children spend the night at one child's house
(LITERARY) I fell into a gentle SLUMBER=> The small town SLUMBERED in the moonlight.
Sleep=> (V)
a person who was admired in the past but is no longer admired because of something bad they have done
A statue in memory of THE FALLEN (FML)
Soldiers who have died in a war
A FALLEN tree was blocking the road/ FALLEN leaves/ The Education Minister will now join the ranks of other FALLEN politicians.
Lying on the ground, after falling down/ Having dropped down/ Refer t SB who has been defeated o has lost a position f power
a very poisonous snake that lives mainly in caves or trees in parts of Africa
He picked his daughter up from school then drove her to a friend's house for a PLAY DATE
An arrangement for children to spend time together and play
CONSTELLATION/ At our annual ceremony we had a whole CONSTELLATION of movie stars and directors. (HUMOROUS)
Any f the groups f stars in the sky tht seem frm earth t form a pattern & hv been given names/ A group f famous o admired ppl all together in one place
An outstanding private sector worker's BONUS PAYMENT may be cut in a downturn if company profits are hit. (WORKPLACE)
An extra amount of money given to an employee in addition to their salary as a reward for excellent work
A productivity BONUS, A Christmas BONUS, The company used to give discretionary BONUS payments/ I love the job, and it's an added BOUS that it's so close to home.
An extra amount f money tht is given t u as a present o reward fo good work as well as the money u were expectin/ A pleasant extra thing
Some nursing experience is a necessary QUALIFICATION FOR this job/ The doctor said I can leave hospital today, but with the QUALIFICATION that I have to come back every day to get the dressing changed.
An ability, characteristic, o exp that makes u suitable fo a particular job o activity/ An extra piece f info that limits the effect f ST that u say o write
You'll never get a good job if you don't have any QUALIFICATIONS/ The win earned them QUALIFICATION FOR the World Cup finals.
An official record showing that u hv finished a training course o hv the necessary skills, etc/ Success in getting into a competition
To QUALIFY FOR the competition you need to be over 18. Being a single parent QUALIFIES you FOR extra benefits/ I'd like to QUALIFY my criticisms of the school's failings, by adding that it's a very happy place.
Hv the legal right t hv o do ST bc f the situation u r in, o cause SB t hv such a right/ Limit the strength or meaning of a statement
She hopes to QUALIFY (AS a lawyer) at the end of the year. This course QUALIFIES you to teach in any secondary school/ Nigeria was the first team to QUALIFY FOR the World Cup.
Successfully finish a training course so that u r able t do a job; hv o achieve the necessary skills, etc/ Succeed in getting into a competition