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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They prepare fresh orange juice for breakfast every morning.
Fresh orange juice is prepared for breakfast every morning.
Fresh orange juice was prepared for breakfast every morning.
Fresh orange juice is prepare for breakfast every morning.
Someone took the trash out last night.
The trash was taken out last night.
The trash is taken out last night.
The trash was took out last night.
They hid their jewels under their bed.
Their jewels were hidden under their beds.
Their jewels was hidden under their beds.
Their jewels were hid under their beds.
They found a mummy in the excavation.
A mummy was found in the excavation.
A mummy was founded in the excavation.
A mummy was find in the excavation.
They hold the Olympic Games every 4 years.
The Olympic Games are held every 4 years.
The Olympic Games was held every 4 years.
The Olympic Games was held every 4 years.
A wild animal can kill you in the jungle.
You can be killed by a wild animal in the jungle.
You could be killed by a wild animal in the jungle.
You can be kill by a wild animal in the jungle.
They forbid smoking.
Smoking is forbidden.
Smoking was forbidden.
Smoking is forbid.
They don't allow dogs here.
Dogs are not allowed here.
Dogs are not allow here.
Dogs did not allowed here.
They caught the thieves.
The thieves were caught.
The thieves were caught by they.
The thieves was caught.
A fan killed John Lennon.
John Lennon was killed by a fan.
John Lennon was killed.
John Lennon killed a fan.
Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb.
The lightbulb was invented by Thomas Edison.
The lightbulb is invented by Thomas Edison.
The lightbulb was invent by Thomas Edison.
She bought the car last week.
The car was bought last week.
The car was bought last week by she.
The car was bought last week by her.
They speak English in this bar.
English is spoken in this bar.
English is spoken in this bar by they.
English was spoken in this bar.
They usually make clothes in China.
Clothes are usually made in China.
Clothes usually made in China.
Clothes are usually make in China.
Micheangelo sculpted "David".
"David" was sculpted by Michelangelo.
"David" was sculpt by Michelangelo.
"David" is sculpted by Michelangelo.