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Amal Unbound - final revision

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do you think will happen after chapter 46?
What did Nasreen decide to do after Jawad and Khan arrest?
To close the estate and free the servants
Why was Nabila so angry with Amal?
She was the former Nasreen's maid
Who was the stranger? What happened then?
Jawad, Amal was taken as a servant
Why did Jawad cannot marry anyone?
He is bad tempered
What were Jawad and Khan talking about?
The missing boy's body
What did Amal find in the garden? Who was with it?
A cat, Nabila
Why did Jawad slap Amal?
She was running away (not so)
What happened to Amal when she went out of the market?
A car hit her
Who went back to school, Seema or Amal? Why?
Seema, Amal is the eldest.
Who is Raheela Bibi?
Why is everyone so sad about the baby?
She is a girl
Why Amal and Omar cannot be together?
It is not good for a girl to be with a boy
What did Amal, Seema and Hafsa see while going home from school?
a green door
What does Amal want to be in the future?
Why was Amal so angry with the poem Asif gave her?
Bigger ones always win.
Why is Amal attending the literacy center? What is she doing?
To help Khan with his campaign. She is learning how to use computers.
Why Nasreen Baji cannot visit her family?
Khan prohibited it