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In football, which team has won the Champions League the most?
Real Madrid have won the Champions League 13 times.
Who is the Premier League’s all-time top scorer?
Alan Shearer has a massive 260 goals in the Premier League.
Which country won the first ever rugby world cup?
New Zealand won the rugby world cup in 1987.
Who has won more tennis grand slam titles – Venus Williams or Serena Williams?
Serena has! She has won a whopping 23 grand slams, whereas Venus has won only 7.
How many gold medals has Usain Bolt won?
What is the only sport to be played on the moon?
How long is a marathon?
26.2 miles
In what sport would you find a pommel horse?
How many different strokes are there in swimming?
Four= Backstroke, Butterfly, Breaststroke and Front crawl
The Olympics are held every ___ years?
What colour jersey is worn by the leader in the Tour de France?
How many players are there in a rugby team?
What term is used in tennis for 40-40?
In netball, for what does WA stand for?
Wing attack
With which Formula 1 team do Lewis Hamilton and Valtteri Bottas currently drive?
What is the name of Manchester United’s home ground?
Old Trafford
What term in tenpin bowling describes having knocked all the pins down after your second bowl?
A Spare
Which sport takes place in a velodrome?
With five victories to date, what team had won the Fifa World Cup the most times?
What is the object hit by the players in ice hockey called?
A Puck