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Christmas Traditions Around the World

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What do Jewish people light during their Hanukkah celebration?
They light their menorah for 8 days.
What do Jewish people eat during their holiday celebration?
They eat latke, like a hashbrown with onions.
What type of game do the Jewish people play during December?
They play dreidel.
What do the Jewish people in Israel celebrate during December?
They celebrate Hanukkah in December.
When and why do Swedish people celebrate St. Lucia's Day?
The celebrate on December 13 to honor St. Lucia who was martyred for being religious.
What do they say to mean Merry Christmas in Sweden?
They say "God Jul" which actually means good yule.
Who delivers presents in Sweden?
A gnome named Tomten.
What do people eat for Christmas meal in Australia?
They have a picnic at the beach.
What do people in Australia do on Christmas Eve?
They go to the city to sing carols.
What season is it in Australia during Christmas time?
It is summer.
What does Father Christmas wear on Christmas in England?
He wears a long robe.
What do they eat on Christmas Eve in England?
They eat turkey on Christmas Eve.
What is the famous ferris wheel in England called?
The London Eye is the famous ferris wheel.
What is the famous clock in England called?
Big Ben is the famous clock in England.
What flower is most common in Mexico during Christmas time?
The poinsettia is the most common flower in Mexico.
What is the common meal that Mexicans eat during Christmas time?
They eat tamales.
What day does Santa Claus come in Mexico?
Santa Claus comes on January 6.
What is one tradition that Mexican children to celebrate Christmas?
They break open a pinata.
What temperature is it in Mexico during Christmas?
It is warm.
Where do Mexican children find their presents and treats?
They find their presents and treats in their shoes.
What tradition do the German do during December?
What do Germans do on the first night of December?
They write a letter to St. Nicholas and stick it on the window.
In Germany, where does St. Nicholas put the presents?
St. Nicholas puts them in shoes near the door.
What country was the first country to bring Christmas trees into their homes?
What tops the Christmas tree in Russia?
a red star
What is a common dish that Russians eat during their Christmas celebration?
Herring (fish) on the fur - It is a salad.
What is the name Russian's use for Santa Claus?
They call Santa Claus Grandfather Frost.
When do Russians celebrate Christmas?
January 7