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Forces of Motion Vocab

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For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
Newton's Third Law
Force equals mass times acceleration
Newton's Second Law
A force of attraction between objects that is due to their masses.
the force that is equal in strength and opposite in direction to the action force, which acts simultaneously on whatever is exerting the action forc
reaction force
the initial push or pull of one object on another object
action force
the amount of matter in an object
The tendency of an object to resist a change in motion
friction that opposes motion before the object has started in any motion
potential friction
Friction that opposes motion once the motion has already started
kinetic friction
A force that opposes motion between two surfaces that are in contact
friction that occurs as an object moves through a fluid
Fluid Friction
friction that occurs when an object rolls over a surface
Rolling Friction
friction that occurs when one solid surface slides over another
Sliding Friction
Friction force that acts to prevent objects that are touching from moving past one another
Static Friction
An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
Newton's First Law
Forces acting on an object that are not equal
unbalanced forces
Unit of measurement for force - equal to force (x) mass
occurs when the net force is zero and there is no change in the objects motion
balanced forces
The overall force on an object when all the individual forces acting on it are added together
net force
a push or pull that changes the speed or direction of a moving object
The distance an object travels per unit of time
The size, length, or amount of something, as established by measuring
a description of a segment of measurement (distance, weight, time, etc.)
unit of measurement
the steepness of a line on a graph, equal to its vertical change divided by its horizontal change
the object being observed is motionless
horizontal line on distance/time graph
the vertical axis on a coordinate plane
the horizontal number line in a coordinate plane
the length of a straight line from the starting point to the ending point
A graph with distance on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis
Distance-Time Graph
A graph that uses line segments to show changes that occur over time
Line Graph
A measure of how long it takes an object to get from one place to another. Taking into account distance and time
the length of a straight line from the starting point to the ending point in a particular direction
A group of reference objects whose placement can be compared to each other to determine motion
Frame of Reference