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Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Say an appositive out loud that will fit the blank in this sentence: I reached through the fence to pet the dog, _____________________.
[multiple answers]
Say an appositive out loud that will fit the blank in this sentence: I ordered shoes, _________________, online.
[multiple answers]
Say an appositive out loud that will fit the blank in this sentence: I was woken up by a noise, ________________.
[multiple answers]
Say an appositive out loud that will fit the blank in this sentence: The flyer, _________________, was of no interest to me.
[multiple answers]
Say an appositive out loud that will fit the blank in this sentence: The car, __________________, sped through the red light.
[multiple answers]
Say an appositive out loud that will fit the blank in this sentence: George Washington, _____________________, established a two-term presidency.
[multiple answers]
True or False: When you are writing appositives, it must not interrupt the sentence.
True or False: When you are writing an appositive, you should begin with a noun marker like "a," "an," or "the."
True or False: When you are writing an appositive, it must come at the end of the sentence.
Does the following sentence contain an appositive? I walked down Bruce street, and enjoyed the fresh air.
Does the following sentence contain an appositive? We are going to prepare for the test, the ACT Aspire.
Does the following sentence contain an appositive? An appositive should be separated from the rest of the sentence with a comma, that is a type of punctuation mark used to separate ideas.
Does the following sentence contain an appositive? This is an example of a statement, a sentence that explains or describes.
Does the following sentence contain an appositive? Appositives can appear anywhere in a sentence, including the end.
Does the following sentence contain an appositive? A dependent clause will begin with a subordinate conjunction, like whenever, if, since, or even though.
Does the following sentence contain an appositive? Appositives, the re-naming of a noun, do not want to touch the rest of the sentence.