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P&R and Cell Transport Review
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Using the equation, how many atoms of Oxygen are there in Carbon Dioxide?
2 atoms
How many molecules does water have in this equation?
6 molecules
What type of process is happening here?
What type of process is happening here?
Where is there a low concentration of molecules in the picture?
Outside the cell
Which way will the molecules move in the picture?
They will move outside the cell
What does it mean when the cell membrane is selectively permeable?
Allows certain molecules in and out of the cell membrane
What organelle monitors the movement of molecules in and out of the cell?
Cell Membrane
What process involves water molecules moving?
What type of molecules move in Diffusion?
Carbon Dioxide or Oxygen Molecules
True or False: Passive transport requires ATP (energy)
In Passive Transport, molecules move from _____ to ______ concentration
High to Low
Glucose + oxygen --------> energy + carbon dioxide + water
Carbon Dioxide + Water ---(sunlight)---> Glucose +Oxygen
What is absorbed by the leaves?
Sunlight or carbon dioxide
How does carbon dioxide enter the plant?
Through the leaves
What is the name of the green dye found in the leaves of plants?
If there is a low light intensity in a plants room, will it have a high or low rate of photosynthesis.
Name 2 products of photosynthesis.
Oxygen and Glucose
What gas is made by photosynthesis?
Plants convert _______ energy into chemical energy.
Light energy
Define a consumer
An organism that gets their food from other sources.
Define a producer
An organism that creates its own food
What is one reactant in photosynthesis?
Carbon dioxide or water
___________ is the way plants make food.
Where does photosynthesis occur in the cell?
Where does respiration occur in the cell?
List 2 products of respiration.
Energy, Carbon Dioxide, or water.
Finish the equation (______+oxygen------>energy+carbon dioxide + water)
What is released from food during respiration?
Energy (ATP)