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Gold Experience B1+ Units 1-3 Revision!

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Italian food is the _____________ delicious food in the world!
This sentence makes absolutely no s____________ to me . I don't understand it!
I enjoyed the party so much that I'll definitely go to that club again. It ____________________ party that I'll definitely go to that club again. (SUCH)
was such an enjoyable
The film yesterday was too boring for us to watch. The film _____________________ for us to watch. (ENOUGH)
wasn't interesting enough
My new classroom is s_____________ bigger than the old one. (meaning: a bit)
We will probably pass this test. It _______________________________ pass this test. (LIKELY)
is likely that we will
There was __________ much traffic that I could hardly get to school on time!
The exams are due/slightly to be in December.
I think Arezzo's Christmas market isn't as beautiful _________ in London.
A synonym for: influence. i __ __ __ __ __
Adjective that means that something is really not tasty.
Do you think it's important to buy o___________ food? Apparently they have no pesticieds.
Has all your hard work been w__ __ __ __ it?
The only thing I am afraid of is _______________ (high). I can't stand on top of tall buildings!
When I asked my student if he had his homework, he only laughed _____________ (nervous)
This can replace hair.
A wig
A small piece of paper or plastic with a picture or writing on one side and glue or another similar substance on the other side
A sticker
I love looking after kids. I think it's really ___________________ (enjoy).