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Idioms describing money and finance - Vocabulary

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Are you made of money?
Made of money: very rich
Look at the chart and explain the meaning of the idiom 'break even'.
Break even: the point at which cost and income are equal and there is neither profit nor loss.
Do you go Dutch when you pick up the tab?
Pick up the tab: pay for something
What would you do if you had money to burn?
Money to burn: excess money that you don’t need
Give examples of popular products in the market that are at a premium.
At a premium: at a high price
Is the company in the picture in the black?
In the black: successful; making money
Would you like to have just enough money to make ends meet? Why or why not?
Break even: the point at which cost and income are equal and there is neither profit nor loss.
In your opinion, what jobs are paid peanuts?
Paid peanuts: very low salary
Give examples of popular products in the market that are cash cows.
cash cow: a business, investment or product that makes a lot of money.
Would you like to strike it rich? What would you do?
to strike it rich: acquire a lot of money
How should you cut corners to save money in your household?
Cut corners: to economize; to save money by doing something in the most affordable way.
How do you make a living?
I make a living as a...../I work in the _____ industry