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That guy in the grey jacket has been EYEING YOU UP all evening.
look at someone with sexual interest (IFML)
very thick cream (US)
SOCIO-ECONOMIC factors, SOCIO-ECONOMIC backgrounds/factors/resources=> SOCIO-ECONOMICALLY disadvantaged groups have higher rates of depression.
related to the differences between groups of people caused mainly by their financial situation, involving both social and economic matters
a style of film, usually about crime, that presents the world as being unpleasant, strange, or cruel
do the things that you advise other people to do
Freelancing has become the career OF CHOICE FOR many people=> You may sell your shares through a broker OF YOUR CHOICE
Most popular o most commonly chosen fo a particular purpose=> Chosen by u
The evening menu offers a wide CHOICE of dishes/ Harvard was not his first CHOICE=> I had the the most expensive dish on the menu - a CHOICE fillet of fish
The range f different things fm which u cn choose/ A person o thing tht has been chosen o tht cn b chosen=> F high quality
UN planes have made AIR DROPS to 300 flood-hit villages=> Supplies are AIR-DROPPED to the remote mountain camp.
The act f bringin supplies o equipment by droppin em fm aircraft=> Bring supplies or equipment somewhere by dropping them from aircraft
As she knocked on the director's door, her legs TURNED TO JELLY
suddenly feel weak because you are frightened, nervous, or ill
(FML) They were accused of trying to EMASCULATE the report's recommendations/I think that may be a step forward, to have people other than women project their desire onto you without feeling it EMASCULATES you/.....=> EMASCULATION
Reduce effectiveness f ST/Make a man feel less male by takin away his power & confidence/Castrate a man o male animal,o t remove the male parts f a plant(BIOLOG
The purity of the city’s water is checked regularly at its reservoirs/ PURITY of heart
The quality or state of not being mixed with anything else/ The quality of having good morals and a good character
He is motivated by greed, PURE AND SIMPLE
used after a noun to mean "and nothing else"
She was accused of being COMPLICIT in her husband's death=> She is suspected of COMPLICITY in the fraud. (FML)
involved in or knowing about a crime or some activity that is wrong
It was PURE coincidence/chance that we met/ PURE mathematics, PURE economics/ He invited me up to his flat for coffee, but I didn't think that his motives were entirely PURE (Behavin in a way tht is morally good,esp in things related t sex)
complete;only/ Refer t an area f study tht is studied only fo the purpose f developin theories abt it,nt fo the purpose f usin those theories in a practical way
PURE English, Honey.a swan's PURE white plumage/ The PURE vocal tones of the choirboy/ The mountain air was wonderfully PURE=> PURITY
Nt mixed w anything else/ A pure sound is clear & perfect/ Clean & free fm harmful substances
The president said that his country was moving into a new EPOCH, which would be one of lasting peace/ EPOCH (One f the periods f time in which the history f the earth cn b measured,into which an era cn b divided)
A long period f time,esp one in which there r new developments & great change/ GEOGRAPHY
All I'm asking for is one little ITTY-BITTY bite. The basil plant had these little ITTY-BITTY beetles on it.
extremely small (IMFL, US)
(IFML) He just wanted to GET LAID
have sex
Someone who is nearsighted cannot see objects clearly that are far away.
(US) I'm so FAR-SIGHTED, I can't read the newspaper without my glasses.
able to see things clearly that are far away but not things that are near you
It's over. You need to PUT IT BEHIND YOU now, and make plans for the future.
If you put a bad experience or your own bad behaviour behind you, you do not let it affect your life now
The local team had a bad reputation for playing ROUGH=> When we ran out of money, we SLEPT ROUGH for a week.
forcefully or violent=> (LIVE/SLEEP ROUGH) Live outside not in a house, and sleep on the ground
His first plans were drawn up IN ROUGH/ A gang of drunken young ROUGHS
a first quick drawing of ST=> (IN ROUGH) Simple and without detailsA violent person
While the house was being decorated we ROUGHED IT in a tent.
Live temporarily in basic and uncomfortable conditions (IFML)
A ROUGH area of town/ I'm always seasick if the water/wind/sea/weather is ROUGH/ He's had a ROUGH time/month/year, what with the divorce and then his father dying.
dangerous or violent/ (The weather o the sea) having strong winds o big waves/ Difficult or unpleasant
A ROUGH voice or sound is hard and loud/ If a machine sounds ROUGH, it is makin a noise bc it is in bad condition/
The builder did a ROUGH sketch of how the new stairs would look/ I made a ROUGH table out of some old boxes/Used t describe an alcoholic drink, esp wine, tht tastes cheap & often strong
ot exact or detailed/ Not made in a careful or expensive way
It was a ROUGH mountain road, full of stones and huge holes/ My hands get very ROUGH in the cold/ ROUGH ground is ground tht is nt used fo any particular purpose, is nt even, & is full of wild plants
nt even o smooth, often bc f bein in bad condition/If a surface suchas paper o skin is rough, it does nt feel smooth when u touch it
I DRIED myself OFF and got dressed.
Make someone or something dry, or to become dry, especially on the surface
Come on, Rosie, DRY YOUR EYES and we'll go and find Daddy.
Stop crying
A hair DRYER, A grain DRYER, Put those damp clothes in the (tumble) DRYER/ DRYER
A machine that dries things/ A machine that dries wet clothes by turning them in hot air
an attractive young woman or a girlfriend (US, IFML)
Symptoms include sneezing, CONGESTION, and runny nose/ He took to bed for weeks each winter with chest CONGESTION(the problem f having lungs o other body parts that hv become too full f blood o another liquid)
The problem f being unable t breathe through ur nose bc it is blocked, usu during an infection
These facilities are designed to ease the CONGESTION of emergency rooms/ The (traffic) CONGESTION in the city gets worse during the summer.
A situation in which a place is too blocked o crowded, causing difficulties/ A situation in which there is too much traffic and movement is difficult
a United Nations special ENVOY/
SB who is sent as a representative frm one government o org t another
He was killed during the war when his plane was SHOT DOWN
Destroy an aircraft or make an aircraft, bird, etc. fall to the ground by shooting at it
A remote control device was used to DETONATE the bomb=> Underground nuclear DETONATIONS are believed to have been carried out.
Explode, o cause a bomb t explode=> The act of exploding something, or the fact of being exploded
CROSSBREED=> There was no scientific evidence that lambs and goats could CROSSBREED. Asian pears are a variety developed by CROSSBREEDING pears and apples.
An animal o plant that is a mixture of breeds & is therefore a new variety (type f plant o animal)=> Cause a plant o animal t breed w another plant o animal f a
someone whose job is to execute criminals
Some fans seem to regard the players as DIVINE beings/ The dessert was simply DIVINE=> DIVINELY inspired truth=> I DIVINED from his grim expression that the news was not good.
Connected with a god, or like a god/ Extremely good o pleasing=> Guess ST
a seat for one or two people that swings backwards and forwards, usually used on a porch (= a raised, covered area outside at the front or side of a house)
An aircraft that has long fixed wings & no engine & flies by gliding
According to an EYEWITNESS account, the thieves abandoned their vehicle near the scene of the robbery.
a person who saw something happen, for example, a crime or an accident
A complete breakdown in LAW AND ORDER
a situation in which the laws of a country are being obeyed, especially when the police or army are used to make certain of this
She LAVISHES money ON her grandchildren. The committee LAVISHED praise ON the project.
Give someone a lot, or too much, of something such as money, presents, or attention
LAVISH gifts/promises/ The team has the most LAVISH training facility in the league=> They live in a LAVISHLY furnished apartment overlooking Central Park.
Large in quantity & expensive o impressive/ Praise, spending, giving, o using more than is necessary o reasonable; more than enough
Think for yourself, don't just FOLLOW THE CROWD
Do what most other people do
A FERTILITY symbol declining fertility rates/ The FERTILITY of the soil/ (LITERARY) FERITLITY (The mind o imagination) the quality of producing a lot f unusual & interesting ideas
(Animals & plants) the quality f being able t produce young o fruit/ (Land) the quality f producing a large number f good quality crops
a confidence TRICKSTER
a person who deceives people
When they get together in a meeting the SPARKS really FLY.
If sparks fly between two or more people, they argue angrily
Downed power lines SPARKED fires in several parts of town/ This proposal will almost certainly SPARK another countrywide debate about immigration.
Start a fire/ Cause the start of ST, especially an argument or fighting
That small incident was the SPARK that set off the street riots/ They kept running into each other and eventually realized there was a SPARK between them.
A first small event o problem that causes a much worse situation t develop/ A feeling o quality that causes excitement
SPARKS were flying out of the bonfire and blowing everywhere. You can start a fire by rubbing two dry pieces of wood together until you produce a SPARK.
a very small piece f fire that flies out frm ST that is burning, o one that is made by rubbing 2 hard things together, o a flash f light made by electricity
It was not his INTENT to hurt anyone. She was charged with possessing weapons WITH INTENT to endanger life/ There was clearly no INTENT to cause harm, and the judge ruled that the injury was accidental. (FML)
The fact that you want and plan to do ST (LAW, FML)/ ST that you intend or intended to do
An INTENT stare, She had an INTENT look on her face/ The climbers were INTENT ON reaching the mountaintop despite the freezing temperatures=> The child stared INTENTLY at her. She was listening INTENTLY to everything he said
Giving all ur attention t ST/ Determined, esp. in a way that seems silly o harmful
As a news reporter, when something important happens, I have to FOLLOW it UP. Brocchini failed to FOLLOW UP ON leads pointing to any other suspects.
Discover more about something or to take further action connected with it
In the next game they will face the MIGHTY Patriots.(LITERARY)/ (US) They offered to raise salaries by 15 percent - that's a MIGHTY generous deal.
Very large, powerful, or important/ VERY
two round handles at the ends of two long ropes that hang from the ceiling and are used in gymnastics
A boxing RING, The horses trotted round the RING.
a special area where people perform or compete
The game involved throwing metal RINGS over a stick. The children sat in a RING around the teacher.
A circle of any material, or any group of things or people in a circular shape or arrangement
The CHIEF problem we have in the area now is the spread of disease/ The CHIEF fire officer/accountant=> A police CHIEF, A new CHIEF of the security forces has just been appointed.
Most important or main/ Highest in rank=> The person in charge f a group o org, o the ruler f a tribe
She played a character who was the PERSONIFICATION of evil/ Nemesis, in Greek mythology, is the PERSONIFICATION of divine justice and the vengeance of the gods.(LITERATURE)
A person who is a perfect example f ST/ The act f giving a human quality o characteristic t ST which is nt human, o an example f this
These louts PERSONIFY all that is wrong with our society today/ In Greek myth, love is personified by the goddess Aphrodite.
Be a perfect example f ST/ Treat ST as if it were in the form f a human being (LITERATURE)
He is still free to travel the world, but he knows that he is a MARKED MAN (MARKED WOMAN)
SB who is at risk of being harmed by SB
There was a MARKED improvement in my health when I gave up smoking/ Everything in the store is being offered at 20% less than the MARKED price. => Eyewitness accounts differed MARKEDLY from police reports of the incident.
A marked change o difference in behavior o in a situation is very obvious o noticeable/ Written or printed on something
We'll go out as soon as I've CLEANED UP the kitchen. I need to CLEAN UP (= clean myself or the place where I am) before we go out. CLEAN yourself UP a bit before dinner/ Some people think that television should be CLEANED UP
Make a person o place clean & tidy/ Stop o limit the violence, sex o bad behavior shown o contained in programs o books, magazines, etc. make em more acceptable
We CLEANED UP at the poker table last night (SLANG)/ We need a mayor who is tough enough to CLEAN UP this town
Win a lot f money/ Stop illegal o dishonest activity in a place o org
Is it PERMISSIBLE to park my car here?, A PERMISSIBLE level for vehicle exhaust emissions=> IMPERMISSIBLE (FML)
Allowed (FML)
He spoke quietly, in HALTING English, His mind is clear, but his speech is slow and HALTING=> She walks HALTINGLY toward him.
(Esp. of speech or movement) slow, stopping and starting repeatedly, as if lacking confidence
Managers and supervisors are authorized to approve paid ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE for individuals in their areas who were affected by the fire. (US)
a period of time when an employee does not have to go to work for a particular reason
He works as an ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT in a financial services organization.
SB whose job is to do tasks such as arranging meetings, typing letters, etc. for SB