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Extraordinary Holidays

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Did Aunt Barbie know what the book did?
Yes, she did.
How did Paul and Lydia go back to their aunt's house?
They touched the painting and thought about happy thoughts and where they wanted to go.
Why did the Queen say "Off with his head!" to Paul?
Because he didn't know how to play croquet.
How did Paul go to the Queen's way?
Cheshire opened a hole in the tree.
Who helped Paul to go back to his right size when he grew tall?
The Caterpillar.
What does the Mad Hatter celebrate?
His unbirthday.
What happened when Paul ate the mushroom in Wonderland?
He got very big.
Who did they see when they arrived in Wonderland?
The White Rabbit.
How did Paul and Lydia escape Captain Hook's ship?
They touched another picture and melted into it.
What did Paul have to do to fly with Peter Pan?
He had to use Pixie dust and think happy thoughts.
Who kidnapped Lydia when she was with Peter Pan?
Captain Hook. / Pirates
Who saved Paul from the mermaids?
Peter Pan
What did the mermaids do to call Paul into the water?
They sang. / He heard a distant melody.
What happened when Lydia and Paul touched the big purple book?
They entered the book.
What do their parents do?
They're doctors (at a local hospital).
Where does Paul and Lydia live?
They live in London, England.