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The jewels

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where do the two girls run when their mother is going to the police?
The two girls run to the gravel pit to find the sand fairy.
Who cleans the windows in the house where the children live?
Martha, the nurse
What does their mother think about Beale?
She thinks that he is a thief.
What does Jane wish for her mother?
to have a lot of beautiful jewels
Who is Martha going to marry?
Who sometimes helps Martha with the outside windows?
Why does Martha start to cry?
Because the children's mother asks her who usually comes to her room.
Their mother puts all the jewels in the drawer and locks it. Then she puts the key in the ........
in the pocket
The does their mother want to go to to police station?
She wants to tell the police about the jewels in her bedroom.
How does Cyril explain (объяснил) the fact that the jewels are in the mother's bedroom?
Maybe the thieves want ti hide the jewels in the bedroom for a day
What does their mother find in the drawer of the dressing table when she open it?
More beautiful jewels
What does their mother find in the small green box inker bedroom?
Beautiful jewels ( a diamond ring, a lovely pearl necklace)
What does their mother find on her dressing table in her bedroom?
A small green box full of the jewels
Does the children's mother have any jewels?
No, she doesn't.
What jewels does Lady Chittenden wear?
her gold, diamond ring and pearls
Whose jewels do the thieves have?
Lady Chittenden's
Translate this phrase " a bid teapot"
большой заварочный чайник
What day of the week do the children receive the letter from their mother?
On wednesday