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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did people use to do before the invention of the cell phone?
people used to use a landline phone
What did people use to do before the invention of the light bulb?
people used to light places with candles
What did people use to do before the invention of the car?
people used to travel by horses
What should we never do in order to be healthy?
we should never smoke
Which vitamin is good for the heart?
vitamin c
Which vitamin can we find in carrots that are good for the vision?
vitamin a
Where is the brain located?
Where is the heart located?
Which organ is responsible for the digestion?
the stomach
Which organ is responsible to filtrate the water and other liquids?
the kidneys
Which organ is responsible to control our body?
How many finger and toes does a person have?
a person has 10 fingers and 10 toes
Which organ is responsible to pump blood in our organism?
Which organ is responsible for take proteins from the food?
Which organ is responsible to filtrate the air?
The lungs
Name 3 body parts or organs that starts with the letter L
leg, lung, liver
Name 5 things we have in our head
eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hair, teeth, tongue, lips
What is the Malificent story?
She was a witch that regreted to put an spell on Aurora
Which house didn't the big bad wolf blow up?
the big bad wolf didn't blow up the third house
Who did Little Red Riding Hood meet in her grandma's house?
she met the big bad wolf
Where did Shrek lived?
He lived in a swamp