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Lenape Food

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Why did Lenape women dig holes in the Earth?
to store their food
What did Lenape women do to prepare fish/meat to last for the winter?
they would dry it over a smoldering fire
What did Lenape women do to store corn for the winter?
hang from the rafters of their wigwam
Name 3 types of food the Lenape women would have gathered.
syrup, nuts, berries, wild onions
What were the 3 sisters?
beans, corn, squash
What were the 4 main ways the Lenape got their food?
hunting, gathering, fishing, and farming
What were 2 important tools the Lenape men would have used when fishing?
spear, net, canoe
Name 5 animals the Lenape would have hunted.
deer, bear, wolf, fox, turkey, turtle, rabbit, squirrel
What two responsibilities did Lenape men have with finding food for their village?
hunting and fishing
What two responsibilites did Lenape women have with providing food for their village?
farming and gathering food