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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Think of any Oscar-winning film you know. Talk about it. Did you like it?
students' answers
Think of any true-to-life film. Talk about it: plot, setting, characters.
students' answers
Think of some film you have seen. Talk about its' short plot/storyline.
students' answers
Think of any film you have seen. Describe its' characters.
The main characters is very brave, stubborn, mean.....
Think of the film you have seen. Describe it's setting.
It's set in London, in 1980's, in futuristic world....
Can you mention any films that are famous for their special effects?
students' answers (Avatar, Jurassic Park, The Matrix.....)
shooting a film - What does it mean?
to make a film
What does the word suspense mean? We can say thrillers ( or suspense)
a feeling of worry or excitement that you have when you feel that something is going to happen, somebody is going to tell you some news, etc.
What does it mean if you say the film is a masterpiece?
excellent film, the best from the artist's work
Who are the extras in the film?
the actors who play people in the crowd, often without speaking part
What do you call minor characters in films : s......... a.....
supporting actors
What's the word plot?
What are credits?
the act of mentioning somebody who worked on a project such as a film or a television programme
What are lead roles?
main characters/roles
Name at least 5 types/genres of films
romcom, comedy, animated film, action film, horror, thriller