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FF4 unit 3 Past Simple

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ты выпил сок? - Нет
Did you drink Juice? - No, I didn't
Ты написал письмо? - Да
Did you write a letter? - Yes, I did
Когда твои родители ходили на концерт?
When dod your parents go tot the concert?
Почему ты купил модель динозавра?
Why did you buy a model of a dinosaur?
В какой музей ты ходил?
Which museum did you go to?
Что ты видел в музее?
What did you see in the museum?
В прошлую пятницу ты был дома или у бабушки?
Were you at home or at you grandmother's last Friday?
У там не было
She wasn't there
Он спросил у меня про динозавров
He asked me about dinosaurs
Я нашел что-то интересное
I dound something interesting
У тебя вчера была математика?
Did you have Maths yesterday?
Дети услышали новую историю
The children heard a new story
Магаз был закрыт неделю назад
The shop was closed a week ago
Где ты купил этот сэндвич?
Where did you buy this sandwich?
Ученик не думал о вопросе
A pupil didn't think about the question
Я ходил в школу вчера
I went to school yesterday
Джим съел завтрак 3 часа назад
Jim ate breakfast 3 hours ago