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How often do you ...?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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walk in the rain (Elif)
How often does Elif walk in the rain?
oversleep and come class late (Erdem)
How often does Erdem oversleep and come class late?
say "come on guys" (Ms. Beyza)
How often does Ms. Beyza say "come on guys"?
try to motivate the class (Eren)
How often does Eren try to motivate the class?
forget her past experiences (Ravza)
How often does Ravza forget her past experiences?
learn a new language (Ali)
How often does Ali learn a new language?
go to the gym (Emir)
How often does Emir go to the gym?
send video by instant message
How often do you send video by instant message?
call friends and relatives on Skype
How often do you call friends and relatives on Skype?
write emails in English
How often do you write emails in English?
send an e-card instead of a real card
How often do you send an e-card instead of a real card?
read English-language websites
How often do you read English-language websites?
share important news on Facebook
How often do you share important news on Facebook?
send a message to your boss or teacher to say you are sick
How often do you send a message to your boss or teacher to say you are sick