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Chapter 4 Whole Body Terminology

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What is a cell?
The smallest most numerous structural unit of all living things
What is an organ?
An organ is made up of two or more types of tissues that perform one or more common functions
What is a tissue?
A tissue is made up of a group of similar cells that work together to perform particular functions
How does a cell divide?
The directional term Superficial refers to?
Toward the surface of the body
The directional term Deep refers to?
Away from the body towards the inside of the body
The directional term Lateral refers to?
Away from the midline of the body
The Ventral Cavity is comprised of
The Thoracic and Abdominopelvic Cavities
The Dorsal Cavity is comprised of
The Cranial & Vertebral Cavities
Name the 2 Largest Body Cavities
Dorsal & Ventral