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How would you survive vol.II

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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how would you survive without hair or wigs
I would look like a chimpanzee but I would survive
How would you survive a 7 day school/work week
I would prefer not to survive
How would you survive if you could never run again
I don't like running so very easily
How would you survive if you woke up and were 20 years older
I would be very confused and old
how would you survive if the only words you could say were, Chocolate, Now, Turtle
easy, Turtle, Turtle, Turtle Chocolate NOW!!!!
how would you survive only eating octopus for a month
I couldn't eat such an amazing creature
How would you survive living in a cave this winter
I would survive just fine, walls and windows are over rated
how would you survive wearing your grandmother's clothes to school
I wouldn't my grandmother dresses horribly 
How would you survive working on a pig farm for a week
I would take all the piglets and go on an adventure to a place that smells good
how would you survive beeing on a 12hr flight to Canada
I've done it and it's not pleasant, But it's worth it to go to the most BEAUTIFUL place on earth
How would you survive having 17 chickens living in your bedroom
By leaving my home and never returning
How would you survive christmas without presents
By thinking how much green house gases I'm saving by not consuming things