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He said, with SEEMING embarrassment, that he would have to cancel the meeting=> He remains confident and SEEMINGLY untroubled by his recent problems/ The factory closure is SEEMINGLY inevitable.
appearin t b ST,esp when this is nt true=> Appearin t b ST,esp when this is nt true/ According t the facts tht u know
a KNOWING look/glance/smile=> She smiled KNOWINGLY at him/ I've never KNOWINGLY offended him (If u do st knowingly, u do it knowin wht will b its likely effect)
Showin tht u know abt st,even when it has not been talked abt=> In a way tht shows u know abt ST/.....
His legs began to YIELD under the sheer weight of his body (FML)/ If you're going downhill, you need to YIELD TO bikers going uphill.
Bend o break under pressure/ Stop so as t allow other vehicles t go past,esp before u drive onto a bigger road
The investigation YIELDED some unexpected results/ They were forced to YIELD (UP) their land to the occupying forces=> Crop YIELDS have risen steadily (An amount f ST positive,suchas food o profit,tht is produced o supplied)
Supply o produce ST positive suchas a profit,an amount f food o info/ Give up the control f o responsibility fo ST,often bc u hv been forced t=>
a compound (= a chemical that combines two or more elements) containing carbon that changes easily into a gas and that can be harmful to people's health or to the environment (CHEMISTRY)
The company has been using a citrus-based product with no VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS or hazardous constituents.
Food and fuel prices are very VOLATILE in a war situation/ He had a VOLATILE temper and couldn't have been easy to live with/ The substance is highly VOLATILE (A volatile liquid o solid substance will change easily into a gas)=> VOLATILITY
Likely t change suddenly&unexpectedly,esp by gettin worse/ Likely t change emotional state very suddenly,esp by becomin angry/ (CHEMISTRY)
reinforced CONCRETE=> They think she killed her husband, but they have no CONCRETE evidence=> Having this information helps me identify CONCRETELY what my goals should be.
A very hard building material made by mixin together cement, sand, small stones,& water=> Clear & certain,o real & existin in a form tht cn b seen o felt
Are you still UNDECIDED ABOUT the new job?/ The whole question is still UNDECIDED.
If u r undecided,u hv nt yet made a decision o judgment abt ST/ Not decided or finished
He'd never have managed on his own, but his colleagues have PULLED HIM THROUGH. It was a crisis year for the company, but we have PULLED THROUGH/ They said the operation had been successful and they expected his wife to PULL THROUGH
succeed in dealing with a difficult period, or to help SB do this/ Become well again after a serious illness, especially when you might have died
fish/potato CAKES=> The men were CAKED in layers of filth and grime. Boots CAKED with mud
a small flat object made by pressing together a soft substance=> Cover something or someone thickly with a substance that then dries out
RESONANCE/ Magnetic RESONANCE (PHYSICS)/ This poem has many RESONANCES for me (A feeling, thought, memory, etc.tht a piece f writin o music makes u hv,o the quality in a piece f writin, etc.tht makes this happen)
the quality f bein loud & clear/ The production f a sound as a result f vibration f another object/
a deep, RESONANT voice/ We felt privileged to be the first group of Western visitors to enter the historic palace, RESONANT WITH past conflicts.
clear & loud,o causin sounds t b clear & loud/ Makin u think f a similar exp o memory
The significance of those great stories RESONATES down the centuries/ Her experiences RESONATE powerfully with me, living, as I do, in a similar family situation.
Continue to have a powerful effect or value/ If an experience or memory resonates, it makes you think of another similar one
The noise of the bell RESONATED through the building/ The building RESONATES WITH historic significance
Produce, increase,o fill w sound,by vibratin objects tht r near/ B filled w a particular quality
The writers will take part in ROUND-TABLE discussions and read from their works.
involving several people who talk about something as equals
You come across various mini-games when you are playing in STORY MODE. There are two gameplay options, arcade and STORY MODE
a version of a computer game in which the player controls a character in a story
The vehicle was IMPOUNDED by customs/ Companies in breach of the ruling may have certain assets IMPOUNDED by the court.
If the police impound ST that belongs t u, they take it away bc u hv broken the law/ Take ST away fm SB bc u hv the legal right to do so (LAW)
The government seems to have no understanding of what AILS the country/ I don’t know what’s AILING her=> AILING=> AILMENT
Cause difficulty & problems fo SB o ST (FML)/ Feel or cause SB to feel ill, unhealthy, or weak (OLD-FASHIONED)
They're going to TEAR DOWN the old hospital and build a new one.
Intentionally destroy a building or other structure because it is not being used or it is not wanted any more
GENUINE leather/ He's a very GENUINE person=> GENUINENESS
If ST is genuine, it is real & exactly wht it appears t b/ If people or emotions are genuine, they are honest and sincere
The east coast railway line has been ELECTRIFIED/ She ELECTRIFIED her audience with her vivid stories=> The ELECTRIFICATION of the railways
Make a machine o system operate usin electricity when it did nt before/ Make a person o group extremely excited by wht u say o do
(IFML) It's easy to LET YOURSELF GO when you've got small kids/ It's a party - LET YOURSELF GO!
allow yourself to become less attractive or healthy/ Relax completely and enjoy yourself
the STENCH of rotting fish/burning rubber/cigarette smoke/ For some time after the minister's resignation, the STENCH of scandal hung over the government (LITERARY)
a strong, unpleasant smell/ A bad effect that follows an unpleasant event or situation and is noticeable for a long time
Users can now make financial TRANSACTIONS in euros (COMMERCE)/The Government is determined to make the UK the best place for the TRANSACTION of e-business (FML)/ The .LDF file tracks all the TRANSACTIONS made since the last backup (IT)
An occasion when SB buys o sells ST/The process f doin business/A single action suchas addin a sale o a new customer, which changes data in a computer database
a liquid with a pleasant smell that a man puts on his face after shaving
The sale was TRANSACTED in conditions of the greatest secrecy (FML)/ The company TRANSACTS business in various foreign countries.
do & complete a business activity/ Make & complete a purchase (occasion when you buy ST) or a sale
The players' union is opposed to a SALARY CAP (HR, WORKPLACE)
an upper limit on the amount that employees in a particular company or industry can be paid
Her FEEBLE-MINDED brother (an adult) had put her on the fire and held her there.
without an ordinary level of intelligence, or unable to act or think in an intelligent way
He was a FEEBLE, helpless old man/ A FEEBLE joke/excuse
weak & wo energy, strength, or power/ Not effective or good
a HEINOUS crime
very bad and shocking (FML)
We are CONDUCTING a survey to find out what our customers think of their local bus service=> He was criticized for his CONDUCT of the inquiry. (FML)
organize & perform a particular activity=> The way in which an activity is organized and performed
The orchestra was CONDUCTED by Mira Shapur/ Copper CONDUCTS electricity, but plastic does not.
direct the performance f musicians o a piece f music/ Allow electricity o heat t go through
May I CONDUCT you TO your table, sir, or would you prefer to have a drink at the bar first?(FML)/ A guide CONDUCTS tours of the cathedral every afternoon at 2.00.
lead SB t a particular place/ If u conduct a tour f a place,u take ppl around the place & show it t em
How should I CONDUCT MYSELF myself at these dinners? I know nothing about etiquette=> Bad/excellent/disgraceful CONDUCT. The club has a strict code (= set of rules) of CONDUCT. (BEHAVIOR)
Behave in a particular way,esp in a public o fml situation,o t organize the way in which u live in a particular way
He's certainly not afraid to SPEAK HIS MIND
say what you think about something very directly
The farmer offered us food IN RETURN FOR our work
as an exchange for something
an extremely bad situation in which many bad things happen at the same time
SALARIED employees/workers/staff
being paid a salary
Don't listen to her lies - she's just trying to POISON YOUR MIND AGAINST me.
make someone believe unpleasant things about another person that are not true
Would it be too much of an IMPOSITION to ask you to pick my parents up from the airport?/ The IMPOSITION of the death penalty/martial law/sanctions
A situation in which SB expects another person t do ST tht they do nt want t do o tht is nt convenient/ The introduction f a new law o system
She's always IMPOSING ON people - asking favours and getting everyone to do things for her/ They are calling for the regulatory body to IMPOSE A BAN/A RESTRICTION/A PENALTY on television ads aimed at the under-12s.
Expect SB t do ST fo u o spend time w u when they do nt want t o when it is nt convenient fo em/ Introduce a new law, tax, rule, o punishment
The council has IMPOSED a ban ON alcohol in the city parks. Very high taxes have recently been IMPOSED ON cigarettes/ We must IMPOSE some kind of order ON the way this office is run
officially force a rule, tax, punishment, etc. t b obeyed o received/ Force SB t accept ST, esp a belief o way f living
He was WELL-INFORMED and shrewd, with good, calm judgment. How WELL-INFORMED is the customer ABOUT the range, quality, and cost of the products on offer?
Having a lot of knowledge or information about a particular subject or things in general
(FML) Doubts were cast on the VERACITY of her alibi=> A VERACIOUS and trustworthy historian
the quality of being true, honest, or accurate=> Honest and not telling or containing any lies
A birth/marriage/death CERTIFICATE/ She has a CERTIFICATE in Drama Education.
An official document tht states tht the info on it is true/ The qualification tht u receive when u r successful in an exam
a written promise fm a company t repair o replace a product tht develops a fault within a particular period f time, o t do a piece f work again if it is nt satisfactory
A five-year WARRANTY, I’ve had problems with the car, but it’s still UNDER WARRANTY
The government's proposals have been strongly criticized by LABOR UNIONS. The rally was organized by local LABOR UNION officials. (US)
an org that represents the people who work in a particular industry, protects their rights, and discusses their pay and working conditions with employers
This information can be used by BUSINESS AGENTS or brokers that become involved in the marketing process/ (US, HR) Don Staten is a BUSINESS AGENT of Laborers Union Local 434. (A labor union officer who represents all members at one company)
SB who represents a person o company in matters f business & who cn make business decisions, agreements, etc, fo em/......
There's good arts coverage in the newspaper, but not much political COMMENTARY.
a set of written remarks on an event, book, or person that explains its subject or expresses an opinion on it
The COMMENTARY on the Olympic Games was much better on the other channel=>RUNNING COMMENTARY=> COMMENTARY BOX (A room o place fo a radio o tv reporter at a special event, esp a sports competition, fm which they report wht is happenin)
A spoken description f an event on the radio o tv tht is broadcast as the event happens=>A continuous description of events as they are happening
Stock prices BOUNCED BACK after a steep plunge earlier this week. Children often seem to BOUNCE BACK FROM illness more quickly than adults do.
Start to be successful again after a difficult period, for example after experiencing failure, loss of confidence, illness, or unhappiness
a long, narrow bar of wood or metal that people can hold on to for support, especially when going up or down stairs
I'll TAKE you THROUGH it one more time, then you can try it yourself.
explain something to SB
We quickly grew tired in the BLAZING sunshine. Usain Bolt's BLAZING speed/ They used to have some BLAZING rows over money.
Very bright and hot; powerful and impressive/ Violent and frightening
(US) The recession BLINDSIDED a lot of lawyers who had previously taken for granted their comfortable income.
Surprise someone, usually with harmful results
He sprayed room FRESHENER in the newly dusted sitting room. Indians chew fennel seed as a mouth FRESHENER
A thing that makes something smell, look, or taste cleaner or feel cooler
a piece of land that sticks out from the coast into the sea
Noisy, energetic, and rough
Silver TARNISHES easily/ The scandal has TARNISHED the agency’s reputation.
(Metal surfaces) Become less bright o a different color/ If ST tarnishes ur opinion f SB o ST, u no longer believe the person o thing is as good as u'd thought
While most people would BLANCH AT the prospect of so much work, Daniels seems to enjoy it/ BLANCH the peaches before peeling them.
Turn pale, E.G bc u r shocked/ Cook food, esp. vegetables, in boiling water for a very brief time
THE CREAM OF this year's graduates have gone abroad for jobs. These artists are the best of our students - THE CREAM OF the crop.
The best of a particular group of things or people
Think that things that are completely impossible might happen, rather than understanding how things really are
I've repaired it as well as I can - we'll just have to HOPE FOR THE BEST
Hope that something will be successful or happen in the way you want, even if it seems unlikely
They're just HOPING AGAINST HOPE that she's still alive.
Hope very strongly that something will happen, although you know it is not likely
We stayed on one of the LESSER-KNOWN Greek islands.
Not as popular or famous as something else
I WANT OUT OF the whole venture before it's too late. (WANT IN/OUT OF, IFML)
Want to start or stop being involved in something
She has nothing but SCORN FOR the new generation of politicians=> So does he respect the press and media, or does he secretly SCORN them? You SCORNED all my suggestions/ She SCORNED all my offers of help=> A SCORNFUL laugh/look
A very strong feeling f no respect fo SB o ST that u think is stupid o has no value=> Show scorn fo SB o ST/Refuse advice or an offer bc u r too proud
The singer CONFOUNDED her critics WITH a remarkable follow-up album.
Confuse & very much surprise SB, so that they r unable t explain o deal w a situation
Details of the MODIFIED AMERICAN PLAN will vary based on the hotel or resort you choose.
a hotel room combined with breakfast and another meal either in the evening or in the middle of the day
a device that collects and stores electricity, and is an important part of electronic equipment such as televisions and radios
(IFML) I'd love to stay longer but I must be hitting the road.
Leave a place or begin a journey
These ROOKIE cops don't know anything yet. (US, IFML)
a person who is new to an organization or an activity and does not have much experience
Careful! That chair's a bit RICKETY. She slowly climbed the RICKETY wooden steps. The recession put a lot of strain on an already RICKETY economic system.
In bad condition and therefore weak and likely to break
In later life she was crippled with ARTHRITIS=> An ARTHRITIC knee
a serious condition in which a person's joints (= the places where two bones are connected) become painful, swollen, and stiff
He always spent 20 minutes LOOSENING UP before going for his morning run/ She was nervous at the beginning of the interview but LOOSENED UP after a while.
Stretch ur muscles, esp. by doing special exercises before a hard physical activity/ Relax, esp. after being nervous
The future of the company now RIDES ON the new managing director. I have a lot of money RIDING ON that horse (= I will win or lose a lot of money if that horse wins or loses the race).
When something important, such as your reputation or money, rides on a particular person or thing, it will be won or achieved if that person or thing is success
He's definitely lost his MOJO. He needs to get his MOJO working if he's going to win the election. (IFML)
a quality that attracts people to you and makes you successful and full of energy
We would spend every meal time ENTREATING the child TO eat her vegetables.
try very hard to persuade someone to do something:
I didn't really HIT IT OFF WITH his friends. Jake and Sue HIT IT OFF immediately. (IFML)
like someone and become friendly immediately
She wrote a piece about the battle between two business titans, beginning with the words: "GAME ON!"
used to show that a competition of some kind is about to start, usually when you are excited about it (IFML)
She has loads of natural talent as a runner and with rigorous training she could be a WORLD-BEATER=> A WORLD-BEATING partnership The Fitzwilliam is a WORLD-BEATING gallery.
A person o thing that is better than any other f its type=> (Of a person or thing) better than any other of its type
The bomb reduced the house to RUBBLE.
The piles f broken stone & bricks, etc. that r left when a building falls down o is destroyed/ Small pieces f stone o rock used fo building
He's against the idea, but I think I can TALK him INTO it.
Persuade someone to do something
She's trying to make a COMEBACK with her first album for 20 years/ The band was popular in the late '70s, and had a COMEBACK in the early '90s.
An attempt t become famous, powerful, o important again after a period f being much less famous, etc/ A return to an earlier and better position or condition
Try not to WORK YOURSELF UP about the exams. Nationalist speeches WORKED the crowd UP into a frenzy.
make yourself or another person feel upset or feel strong emotions
FLABBY arms/thighs I was starting to get a bit FLABBY around my waist/ A FLABBY argument
soft and fat/ Weak and without force
a man who is very skilled at playing or conducting (= directing the performance of) music
For ten years she LECTURED IN law. She travelled widely in North America, LECTURING ON women's rights/ His parents used to LECTURE him ON his table manners.
Give a formal talk to a group f ppl, often at a college o university/ Talk angrily or seriously to someone in order to criticize their behaviour
We went to a LECTURE ON Italian art. Who's giving the LECTURE this afternoon?/ My dad gave me a LECTURE ON the evils of alcohol last night.
A FML talk on a serious subject given t a group f ppl, esp students/ An angry or serious talk given to SB in order to criticize their behaviour
An ABSTRUSE philosophical essay (FML)
not known or understood by many people
Are you kids STRAPPED IN back there?
fasten a seat belt around someone in a car, aircraft, or other vehicle, for safety purposes
Are the kids STRAPPED INTO their car seats? We STRAPPED the surfboard TO the car roof.
fasten something in position by fastening a narrow piece of leather or other strong material around it
a strong strip of material hanging from the roof of a bus, train, or other public vehicle for passengers to hold onto if they are standing
PRIMERS are used under foundation to keep your make-up in place for hours.
a type of make-up that you put on your face under other make-up to make it go on more smoothly and last longer
It's best to use a coat of PRIMER before the top coat/ I think I should give you a quick PRIMER on the basic setup and cast of characters.
A type of paint that u put on a surface before the main paint is put on/ A talk, exp, etc that provides info frm which u can learn
Our coach has worked hard to INCULCATE a team spirit IN/INTO the players (FML)=> The law exempts nonprofit religious groups whose purpose is the INCULCATION of religious values
Fix beliefs o ideas in SB's mind, esp by repeating em often
Make a PIT STOP/ We made a quick PIT STOP in Denver before continuing our journey.
An occasion when a driver in a motor race stops in the pits (area where cars r repaired)/ A short stop that u make during a long car journey so as t rest & eat
I think Mick HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD when he said that what's lacking in this company is a feeling of confidence.
describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem
HANDICAPS give people with different abilities an equal chance of winning. My current golf HANDICAP is nine.
a disadvantage given t a person taking part in a game o competition so as t reduce their chances f winning, o a sports event in which such disadvantages r given
His loss of hearing was a severe HANDICAP(OLD-FASHIONED, OFFENSIVE)/I found that not having a car was quite a HANDICAP while on holiday=> Rescue efforts have been HANDICAPPED by rough seas and hurricane-force winds. (MAKE ST MORE DIFFICULT)
A physical o mental condition that makes ordinary activities more difficult than they r fo other ppl/ ST that makes it difficult fo u t do ST=> make ST more dif