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London <3

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What is GMT?
Greenwich Mean Time (time measured on the Earth's zero degree line of longitude, or meridian)
Which bridge connects two famous landmarks: St Paul's Cathedral and TATE Modern
Millenium Bridge
Where can you see wax statues?
Madame Tuassaud's
Which theatre in London is associated with William Shakespeare?
The Globe
What is the most famous bridge called?
The Tower Bridge
Who guards the Tower of London?
When did the great fire of London take place?
in 1666
The Tower of London was ... (name at least 3 functions)
a fortress, a prison, a ZOO, a place for crown jewels, museum of weapons and armor
Sir Christopher Wren built ...
St. Paul's Cathedral
What are Harrods and Selfridge's?
department stores
What is the color of old phone booths in London?
Traditionally what colour are most London cabs?
What was the Roman name for London?
Aquae Sulis
What is the name of the famous clock tower attached to the House of Commons?
Big Ben
In the middle of this square there is a monument to Admiral Nelson
Trafalgar Square
The Royal Albert hall was opened by:
Queen Victoria
What can you see in the Tower of London?
The Crown Jewels
Which famous fictional detective lived in Baker Street, London?
Sherlock Holmes
What is the name of this bridge?
The Tower Bridge
How many underground stations are there?A) 150B) 220C) 270D) 320
C) 270
What is the name of the church where many famous people are buried and is also the location of many royal weddings?
Westminster Abbey
Who lives in 10 Downing Street?
The Prime Minister (Boris Johnson)
Where does the Queen live?
In Buckingham Palace
How many Premier League teams are from London?
Five (Arsenal, Chelsea, Tottenham, West Ham, Crystal Palace)
What is the best known shopping street in central London?
Oxford Street
What is the name of the biggest park in central London?
Hyde Park
What is this called?
Piccadilly Circus
Which river flows through London?
The River Thames
What is the name of this tourist attraction?
London Eye
How many airports are there in London?A) 3B) 4C) 5D) 6
D) 6
What is the underground usually called?
(the) Tube