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2.1 natl and local + village and city

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If you moved from your town to a city, what would you miss the most?
I would miss ..... because ...
In the future do you think more people will live in villages or cities?
In the future I think ...
What facility would you add to the place you live in to make it better?
I would add.....because it would improve....
How has the place you live in changed in recent years?
The place i live in has changed in the following ways...
What are some of the problems associated with living in the city?
Some of the problems are...
How do schools differ in a village to a city? What do you think is better?
The schools in a city are ... compared to ... in a village
What are the advantages/ disadvantages of living in the countryside?
Some of the advantages/disadvantages of living in the countryside are...
If you could, would you choose to live in a big city? Why / why not?
If I could i would choose/prefer to live in .... because
What don't you like about the place you live in?
The things I dont like about the place I live in are ..
Do you live in a village/town/city ? what are some of the advantages of living there?
I live in a .... some of the advantages to living in a ... are ...
What are the drawbacks of only having local produce in the shops?
Some of the drawbacks of only having local produce in the shops are ...
What is the most famous product from your country in the past?
In the past, the most famous product from spain would be ....
If you had to choose a product to represent this country, what would you choose and why?
If I had to choose a product to represent this country, it would be ... because
What products apart from food are produced in your area /country?
In my area/ country some of the products include: ....
What are the benefits of buying in-season produce?
The benefits include, fresher food, lower food miles, support to the local economy etc
Do you buy food from small shops or big supermarkets? Why?
I buy my food from... because ....
Do you think its important to support local producers and/or farmers?
Yes I do, supporting local farmers and producers helps to support my towns economy
What different products can you find in your town?
In my town there is...
Can you tell me about some of the national products from your country?
Yes, I can. Some of the national products from Spain are ...
Can you tell me about some of the local products from your area?
Yes, I can. Some of the products include ...