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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How plants adapted to life under water?
1) They grow in shallow waters 2) Kelps have long stems to reach the sunlight
Why tundra plants are mostly short?
To hide from the cold wind.
Explain why do some plants have a waxy coating on their leaves?
1) To keep water (desert) 2) To make the water slide down (rainforest)
Some tundra plants have fuzzy hair to keep them warm. True or false?
Rainforest plants have big leaves to catch sunlight. True or False?
Desert plants have deep roots. True or false?
Explain a plant's lifecycle.
1) Seed is planted 2) It sprouts 3) Root grows deep and stem pushes its way out through the ground 4) Plant grows leaves 5) A flower appears
Name 4 plant habitats.
Tundra, desert, rainforest, grassland, underwater
Describe the weather in Tundra.
It is cold and dry.
Describe the weather in the rainforest.
It is rainy and warm.
Describe the weather in the desert.
It is hot and dry for the most of the year. There is not much rain and water.
Name 5 things that are made of plants.
Paper, furniture, perfume, pencil, shampoo
What's the name of this tree?
What is the job of the fruit?
Protect seeds.
What is the job of leaves?
Create food for the plant.
What is the job of the stem?
Transport water to other parts of the plant.
What are the 2 jobs of roots?
Soak up water and nutrients from the ground and hold the plant.
Name the 6 parts of the plant
Roots, stem, leaves, flower, fruit, seed