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NSG123 Module 14: Musculoskeletal

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Explain allopurinol use.
reduces serum uric acid levels, caution in renal and hepatic impairment, take after meals to ensure absorption
Explain colchicine use.
anti-gout, do not take with grapefruit juice or alcohol, caution in liver impairment
What can trigger a gout attack?
trauma, alcohol, dieting, medications, surgical stress, illness
What are the 4 stages of gout?
Asymptomatic Hyperuricemia, Acute Gouty Arthritis, Intercritical Gout, Chronic Tophaceous Gout
Name 5 risk factors for gout.
Male, obese, alcohol, fam hx, high bp, hypothyroidism, CKD, OSA, T2DM, Cancer, Psoriasis, Hemolytic Anemia
What causes gout?
Name 3 osteoarthritis risk factors.
Older age, female, obesity, laborious occupations, excessive sports, history of joint injuries, genetic predisposition
Describe denosumab (Prolia) administration.
Sub q every 6 months
What are administration instructions for zoledronic acid (Reclast)?
IV once yearly
What are signs of hypercalcemia?
N/V, ab pain, constipation, Drowsiness, Disorientation, dysrhythmias, lower extremity weakness, polyuria, polydipsia
What types of exercise promote bone formation?
Weight-bearing; 20-30 min aerobic, bone-stressing exercise; Weight training
How is osteoporosis diagnosed?
DEXA (Dual Energy x-ray absorptiometry)
What is secondary osteoporosis?
Due to medication use or disease that affect bone metabolism (men more likely)
Name 5 risk factors for osteoporosis.
Alcohol, tobacco, family hx, bone fx during adult, inactive, low ca and vit d, low BMI, Malabsorption disorders, men over 60, postmeno women, long-term corticos
What are the roles of osteoclasts and osteoblasts?
Osteoclasts (clear) dissolve bone and clear away old bone. Osteoblasts (build) are cells that form new bone.
What are the administration instructions for alendronate (Fosamax)?
1 oral dose once weekly; take with full glass of water (not juice or coffee) at least 30 mins prior to breakfast/other drugs; remain upright 30 min after