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Excretory system

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What should we do to care of the excretory system?
Decrease sal intake, maintain intake of the genitals, avoid drinking alcoholic beverages and not hold urine for a long time
What waste the urinary system removes from the blood?
The urea
What do the urinary system?
The urinary system filters the blood to clean it for waste
What produce sweat?
The sweat glands
Explain what the urethra do
Where urine is eliminated
Explain what the ureters do
Carry the urine from the kidneys to the bladder
Explain what the kidneys do
Where urine is made
Where are the kidneys?
The kidneys are in the abdomen, on both sides of the spine
Which organ carries the urine to the bladder?
The ureters
Give 15 points to the other team
Which is the most important apparatus of the excretory system?
Are the kidneys
What happens if you hold your pee in your bladder for a long time?
That you can have serious bladder problems
Where the urine is made?
Is made in the kidneys
What is the other part that works in the excretory system?
Our skin (sweat glands)
Where urine is stored?
In the bladder
Give 25 points to the other team
What are the parts of the excretory system?
Kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra
Why do you need the excretory system to be alive?
To expell what we do not need in our body