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BRAVERY & CHARACTERS -2 Week Review May 8

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How do you spell the spelling word that is not your father. Hint: This day is coming up on Sunday and it is a longer word than mom.
Was the Good Egg brave? Why or why not?
Yes, he took a chance to leave his egg carton and friends and find himself in the world. Answers may very.
What is one word (a character trait) that describes your mother?
loving, giving, caring, hard-working, responsible...
How do you spell the spelling word that is not your father. Hint: This day is coming up on Sunday
How are you brave?
Answers will vary.
What as the lesson that the Good Egg learned.
You have to also take care of yourself.
What is one way you can practice mindfulness?
Deep breathing, take time for yourself, go into nature.
Should you write silly things when you are using the internet?
Who is this very brave character?
What would be the 3D shape if I stacked all of these cubes together?
A rectangular prism
Answer which shapes make up this new shape?
6 diamonds, 6 triangles and 1 hexagon
How did the boy feel about Troika?
Troika fought what?
a bear, a moose, the lake water trying to sink the boy's sled
Name two things Sheila Rae is not afraid of:
the dark, thunder & lightening, big black dog at the end of the block
Who is brave when Sheila Rae is not?
Her sister
What is Irene being brave about?
Fighting the storm
Who are the characters in Brave Irene?
Irene, her mom, the dutchess, the doctor
What character trait does Brave Irene's mother exhibit (show) in this picture?
Determination- The mom is still finishing the dress, even though she doesn't feel well.
How do you spell this word?