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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's the past participle of ''drink''?
It's ''drunk''.
What's the past participle of ''get''?
It's ''gotten''.
How can I say ''vestir-se'' in English?
It's ''get dressed'' - E.g. I get dressed at 6 a.m.
How can I say ''ficar/estar com sede'' in English?
It's ''get thirsty'' - E.g. When I run I get thirsty.
Complete the sentence. Use ''the present continuous'' - He ________ the dishes. (WASH)
He is washing the dishes.
Complete the sentence. Use ''the past continuous'' - She ___________ a shower when I called her. (HAVE)
She was having a shower when I called her.
How can I say ''eu posso ir ao banheiro?'' in English?
''Can I go to the bathroom?''
Phrasal Verbs - The definition: when the marriage or the relationship ends - e.g. Jenny and George have ___________.
Jenny and George have broken up.
Translate it into English: ''Meu apartamento foi vendido ontem.''
My apartment was sold yesterday.
Translate it into English: ''Tem um farol na ilha.''
There is a lighthouse on the island.
Translate it into English: ''Tem um barco na ilha.''
There is a boat on the island.
How can I say ''posto de gasolina'' in English?
It's ''gas station''.
How can I say ''biblioteca'' in English?
It's ''library''.
Complete this sentence. Use the simple past - He ________ this text message yesterday. (WRITE)
He wrote this text message yesterday.
Complete this sentence. Use the simple past - She _______ to San Francisco yesterday. (GO)
She went to San Francisco yesterday.
Complete this sentence. Use the present perfect - I __________ some e-mails this morning. (WRITE)
I have written some e-mails this morning.
Complete this sentence. Use the present perfect - She __________ to Los Angeles twice. (BE)
She has been to Los Angeles twice.
What's the meaning of ''drain''? (cooking verbs)
Drain means ''escoar''. e.g She is draining pasta.
What's the meaning of ''chop''? (cooking verbs)
Chop means ''picar''.
What's the meaning of ''peel''? (cooking verbs)
Peel means ''descascar''.
ACTIVE or PASSIVE? - She cleans her bedroom every day.
ACTIVE or PASSIVE? - My bedroom is cleaned every day.
ACTIVE or PASSIVE? - This book was written in 1998.
ACTIVE or PASSIVE? - She wrote this book in 1996.