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Nosotros no jugábamos al fútbol ayer
We didn't play football yesterday
Yo no podía correr lento
I couldn't run slow
Yo podía correr rápido
I could run fast
Me gustaba leer
I liked reading
Mickey era un ratón
Mickey was a mouse
Ellos tenían el pelo azul
They had blue hair
El tenía 3 años
He was 3 years old
Ramón saltaba con María
Ramón jumped with Mary
Los niños leían libros en la biblioteca
The children read books in the library
La profe paró la clase a las 7 en punto
The teacher stopped the class at seven o'clock
Mi hermana hizo sus deberes a noche
My sister did her homework last night
Vosotros jugabais en el parque ayer
You played in the park yesterday
Ellos estaban en el parque
They were in the park
Ella tenía dos perros
She had two dogs
Yo era feliz
I was happy