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Past Simple

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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you/ watch/ the news/ on TV last night?
Did you watch the news on TV last night?
What did she do at the weekend?
She listened to music.
_______ Bob (buy) ________ a new book last month?--> Yes, he ___________
Did Bob buy a new book last month?--> Yes, he did.
What _______ your family (do) _______ next month? 
Our teacher (not, teach) _______________ us on the last Monday because she (be) ________ sick.
didn't teach, was
Last summer, our family (enjoy) ___________ the marverlous coutryside.
Where will you be this weekend?
I will be on the beach.
My mother usually ___________ (go) shopping every week.
My mother usually goes shopping every week.
My family (take) _________ a trip around Europe by train in 2015.
My dad _______ (paint) our house next week.
will paint
What did your sister do yesterday evening?
She cooked (dinner).
Where will they be this weekend?
They will be at school.
What did he do yesterday?
He swam./ She went swimming.
What _____ you usually (do) _____ in the morning?
do - do
Katie ______ (not play) sports every day.
doesn't play
We (go) _________ on holiday to Paris last year.
These years there are many houses on this road but one hundred years ago there (be) _________ trees.
Yesteday, they ______ (not study) in class.
didn't study
Today it is sunny but yesterday it (be) _________ rainy.
_____ your sister (like) _____ watching cartoon? --> Yes,
Does-like, she does