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The Price is Right!
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are these? How much do these cost?
These are scarecrows. They cost $15.99.
What is this? How much does it cost?
It's a pilgrim's figurine. It costs $19.98.
What is this? How much does it cost?
It's a bat. It costs $9.08.
What is this? How much does it cost?
It's a witch's hat. It costs $15.98.
What is this? How much does it cost?
It's a witch. It costs $39.99.
What is this? How much does it cost?
It's a ghost. It costs $99.95.
What is this? How much does it cost?
It's a zombie. It costs $32.09
What is this? How much does it cost?
It's a spider. It costs $45.99.
What is this? How much does it cost?
This is a skeleton. It costs $12.96.
What is this? How much does it cost?
It's a brownie. It costs $7.34.
What is this? How much does it cost?
This is a pumpkin pie. It costs $5.94.
What is this? How much does it cost?
It's an onion . It costs $0.70.
What is this? How much does it cost?
It's a pear. It costs $0.69.
What are thes?e How much do they cost?
These are cranberries. They cost $1.98.
What is this? How much does it cost?
It’s 's a watermelon. It costs $3.28.
What is this? How much does it cost?
It's a lemon. It costs $0.57.
What is this? How much does it cost?
It´s an avocado. It costs $0.58.
What is this? How much does it cost?
It's a package of Oreo cookies. It costs $3.67.
What is this? How much does it cost?
It's a Spiderman costume. It costs $23.36.
What is this? How much does it cost?
It's Ben and Jerry's ice cream. It costs $4.38.
What is this? How much does it cost?
It is corn. It costs $0.72.
What is this? How much does it cost?
It's a carrot. It costs $0.98 current price $0.98.
What is this? How much does it cost?
It's a turkey. It costs $18.57.
What is this? How much does it cost?
It's a Jack O'lantern pumpkin. It cost $40.62.
What are these? How much do they cost?
These are egss. They cost $4.92.