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After a heart attack you have to be careful not to OVERDO it/things (= you have to work and live calmly)=> The roast lamb was dry and OVERDONE.
do something in a way that is too extreme=> (Especially of meat) cooked too long
Management has threatened to LOCK OUT the workforce if they don't accept the proposed changes in working methods/The company risks being LOCKED OUT OF China's booming car market(Prevent a person o org fm havin o bein able t take part in ST)
prevent workers fm enterin their place f work until they agree t particular conditions given by the employer/
He had to break into the house because his girlfriend had LOCKED HIM UP/ When someone is fired they are immediately LOCKED OUT OF the network.
prevent SB fm enterin a building o room by lockin the door/ Make it impossible for someone to use a computer system, electronic device, etc.
The extent of RACIAL HARASSMENT and violence faced by the Asian community over the years has seldom been acknowledged.
illegal bad treatment of a person because of their race (LAW, HR)
Surveys show that 80% of black people believe they'll never see RACIAL EQUALITY in their lifetime. Organisations are under enormous pressure to deliver RACE EQUALITY
a situation in which people of all races are treated fairly and in the same way (LAW) (HR)
We talk a lot about RACIAL diversity and tolerance/ They are members of a RACIAL minority=> They lived in a RACIALLY mixed neighborhood.
happening between people of different races/ Relating to race or to someone's perceived race
based on someone's perceived race, especially in a way that is unfair or harmful; or based on policies, behaviours, rules, etc. that result in unfair or harmful treatment of people because of their perceived race
RACIAL discrimination/prejudice, The law has done little to prevent RACIAL inequality. She accused another contestant of using a RACIAL slur against her.
The new law should allow more disabled people to enter THE MAINSTREAM OF American life.
the way of life or set of beliefs accepted by most people
Political rhetoric MAINSTREAMS hostility/ The school has been MAINSTREAMING children with special needs successfully for almost 20 years.
Make ST start t b considered normal/ Teach children w special needs in the same class or school as children who do nt hv special needs (US, EDUCATION)
Considered normal, & havin o usin ideas, beliefs, etc.tht r accepted by most ppl/ Refer t education fo children who cn b taught in the same way as most other children,o t ppl, schools, etc.connected w this type f education
This is the director's first MAINSTREAM Hollywood film/ Many estimate that up to 20% of children in MAINSTREAM classrooms may have some special needs.
a skilled/unskilled MANUAL WORKER (HR, WORKPLACE)
a person whose job involves physical work
She HAS A GENIUS FOR raising money.
to be especially skilled at a particular activity
(LITERARY) The film was about an EVIL GENIUS who wanted to control the world.
a person who has a strong bad influence over other people
The plot of the film was too INVOLVED - I couldn't understand it/ Try not to become too emotionally INVOLVED WITH the children in your care/ The couple was having a loud argument, and I was afraid to get INVOLVED
Nt simple & therefore difficult t understand/ Bein in a close relationship w SB/ Part of an activity or event
Last week the government approved an increase in oil EXPORT DUTIES
a tax on goods being sent out of a country (TAX)
Christopher Reeve as Superman was awesome in his showdown with the ARCH-VILLAIN Lex Luthor.
an especially bad villain (= an evil character in a story, film, etc.)
He was the only person who understood all the ARCANE details of the agreement. This argument may seem ARCANE TO those not closely involved in the world of finance. (FML)
mysterious and known only by a few people
The 1975 law also sets a $250,000 limit on damages for PAIN AND SUFFERING caused by medical malpractice.
in the US legal system, the emotional suffering caused by one person or organization to another person (US, LAW)
The council issued a noise ABATEMENT ORDER against the club. If nothing is done within five days you can apply for a Litter ABATEMENT ORDER (ABATEMENT NOTICE)
a legal document telling someone that they must stop doing something that is causing a problem for other people
(FML) The storm/wind/rain has started to ABATE/ Gains in oil prices are unlikely to ABATE within the next few months=> ABATEMENT
Become o make ST become weaker, lower, less serious,etc/ If ST suchas a price o level abates,it goes up more slowly thn before,o it goes down
But when they did support marriages, they expressed beliefs more strongly held by CRIMINAL COURT judges.
a law court that deals with criminal cases (LAW)
Oil companies are particularly concerned about their AGING fleet of deep-water rigs=> Financial analysts often use AGING to assess a company’s risk from overdue debtors. (ACCOUNTANT) (US)
bein o appearin old=> A way f organizin a company's accounts t show the length f time its customers hv owed the company money
It's always PRUDENT to read a contract carefully before signing it=> A little PRUDENCE would be appropriate=> A PRUDENTIAL approach, PRUDENTIAL judgments (FML)
careful & avoiding risks
He's a perfectionist - everything has to be JUST/ EXACTLY SO
perfectly tidy and well arranged
(IFML) Once our business gets started, the money will be ROLLING IN/ What time did you ROLL IN last night?
Arrive in great numbers o amounts/If u say SB rolls in,u mean tht person has arrived late o unexpectedly
What time are you HEADING OFF?
start a journey or leave a place
Evidence suggests that many Ebola infections are ASYMPTOMATIC.
showing no symptoms of a particular disease (MEDICAL)
The judge said that there were no MITIGATING CIRCUMSTANCES that would result in a lesser punishment.
Situations tht r nt an excuse fo a crime,but tht a court f law may consider t b important enough t reduce the blame o punishment f the accused person
The defence lawyer also said IN MITIGATION that her client didn't personally profit from the collapse of the finance company (LAW)
In order t try t make a crime seem less serious
(FML) It is unclear how to MITIGATE the effects of tourism on the island=> Effective MITIGATION of climate change/ (ST tht causes u t judge a crime t b less serious,o t make a punishment less severe)
Make ST less harmful, unpleasant,o bad=> The act f reducin how harmful, unpleasant,o bad ST is=> "I was very young at the time," he said in MITIGATION (LAW)
He kept asking me to help him, and in A MOMENT OF WEAKNESS I said yes.
a short time during which someone makes a bad decision or does something bad that they would not normally do
I've DECIDED ON blue for the bathroom.
choose something or someone after careful thought
(FML) She had a DECIDED advantage over her opponent=> He was DECIDEDLY careful about what he told me.
certain, obvious, or easy to notice
The company was FLYING HIGH as a maker of personal computers/ When the winter Olympics came to Canada, the whole country was FLYING HIGH
If a person o a company is flying high, they r very successful/ Be very excited o happy
Simon's looking very PLEASED WITH HIMSELF today.
happy and satisfied about something good that you have done or that has happened to you
Germany is an economic POWERHOUSE. The university is no longer the academic POWERHOUSE that it once was. She's a POWERHOUSE of original ideas and solutions.
a country, organization, or person with a lot of influence, power, or energy
It's described as a new kind of dance music which STRADDLES jazz and soul/ It's not the first time this year that the president has been accused of STRADDLING an issue.
Combine different styles o subjects/ B unable t decide which f 2 opinions abt a subject is better & so partly support both opinions (US)
He pulled on his helmet and STRADDLED the motorbike/ Our farm STRADDLES the railway line.
Sit o stand w ur legs on either side f ST/ ST tht straddles a line,suchas a border o river,exists on each side f it o goes across it
IN financial TERMS, the project was not a success. IN TERMS OF money, I was better off in my last job (IN TERMS OF/IN ... TERMS)
used to describe which particular area of a subject you are discussing
An unkind or unpleasant name to call SB/ A kind or friendly name to call SB
"Without let or hindrance" is a legal TERM that means "freely"=> Technically, a horse that is smaller than 1.5 metres at the shoulder is TERMED a pony.
A word o expression used in relation t a particular subject, often t describe ST official o technical=>Give ST a name o t describe it w a particular expression
This decision will cost us more IN THE SHORT TERM, but will be beneficial IN THE LONG TERM
for a long, medium, or short period of time in the future (IN THE LONG/MEIDUM/SHORT TERM)
The lease on our house is near the end of its TERM/Her last pregnancy went to TERM (= the baby was born after the expected number of weeks).
(FML) The period f time tht a legal agreement lasts fo/ The end f a pregnancy when a baby is expected t b born (BIOLOGY)
He served a short TERM for drunk driving. He was sentenced to a 150-year prison TERM for cheating thousands of ordinary people out of their savings/In Britain, the spring TERM starts in January and ends just before Easter.
the fixed period f time tht ST lasts fo/ One f the periods into which a year is divided at school, college, o university
She got all STEAMED UP about the books being left on the tables.
angry, especially about something that other people do not think is important
a shout made by someone hunting who sees a fox
He kept a TALLY of his paydays on an envelope. The website publishes a running TALLY of the sums customers have won in refunds/ The final TALLY FOR biodiesel production in 2012 should be between 220 and 275 million gallons.
a continuous record o count f a number f things o ppl/ The total number o amount f things o ppl
The numbers on your spreadsheet don't TALLY WITH ours/ The judges are TALLYING the scores, She TALLIES UP our expenses each month
Match o agree w ST else/ Count o calculate ST
The European Union is a powerful trading/trade BLOC. The former Eastern/Communist BLOC countries
a group of countries or people that have similar political interests
The government wants to take a HARD LINE against the strikers=> A HARD-LINE manifesto, A HARD-LINE politician
the fact f bein very severe, fo example in refusin t allow ST o t give ppl wht they want=> Extreme and severe and not likely to change
You should have told them - it wasn't PLAYING THE GAME to keep it secret.
Behave fairly
said to show that you believe if someone does something wrong, that person should be punished by having the same thing done to them
Police think that the killings may be a result of ACCOUNTS being SETTLED between local gangs.
Harm someone because they have harmed you in the past (SETTLE AN ACCOUNT)
A TOTALITARIAN regime/state
of or being a political system in which those in power have complete control and do not allow people freedom to oppose them
They CUT me OUT of the conversation.
not allow someone to share something or be included in something
She was THROWN OUT OF college after she was caught using drugs. They had a big row and she THREW him OUT (= made him leave the house).
force someone to leave a college, school, house, or organization
Interviews always STRESS me OUT.
make someone feel very nervous and worried
He finally managed to TRACK DOWN the papers he wanted=> All this electronic data is TRACKABLE.
Find something or someone after looking for them in a lot of different places
He’s got several car dealerships and banks among his HOLDINGS.
ST valuable that is owned, esp. investments in a company
An excess of TRANS FATS in the diet can cause high cholesterol levels.
a type of fat that is produced by hydrogenation (= when vegetable oil is made into solid fat) and is used in margarine, fried foods, etc.
Come on, let's go. What's the HOLD-UP?/ In the HOLD-UP, a masked youth threatened the bank staff with a gun.
(IFML) A delay/ An occasion when someone steals from someone else using violence or the threat of violence
Will his alibi HOLD UP (continue to seem true) in court? I hope the repairs HOLD UP until we can get to a garage/Traffic was HELP UP for several hours by the accident. Sorry to HOLD you UP–my train was late/They HELD UP the same store twice
Remain strong o successful/ Delay SB o ST (IFML)/ Try t steal money o property frm a person, a bank, o a business by using violence o threats
An ARMORED tank, ARMORED troops, An ARMORED division (= military group)
protected by a strong covering, or using military vehicles protected by strong covering
The doctors made one last DESPERATE attempt/effort to save the boy's life/ This man is DESPERATE and should not be approached since he may have a gun.
feeling that u have no hope & r ready t do anything t change the bad situation u r in/ Willing to be violent, and therefore dangerous
DESPERATE poverty, A DESPERATE shortage of food/supplies/ The earthquake survivors are in DESPERATE need of help. He has a DESPERATE desire to succeed/ They are DESPERATE FOR help.
Very serious o bad/ Very great o extreme/ Needing or wanting something very much
the line at the end of a race
Anti-MISCEGENATION laws prohibiting interracial sex and marriage predate the Declaration of Independence by more than a century. (FML)
sexual relations between people of different races or the act of producing children from parents of different races
The two of them have been INTIMATELY involved for a year. I got to know him very INTIMATELY/ She's been INTIMATELY involved in the project since it began. He knew the area INTIMATELY.
Closely in a personal or sexual way/ In a very detailed way
LEGAL advice, A LEGAL obligation/requirement/ Is abortion LEGAL in your country?=> The contract is LEGALLY binding.
Connected w the law/ Allowed by the law
the act of using a lawyer or a court to help settle a disagreement, He threatened to TAKE LEGAL ACTION AGAINST me over a comment I had made about him on my blog.
the act of using a lawyer or a court to help settle a disagreement, etc. that you have with a person or an organization
They never got over the loss of their son/ The company announced a pre-tax loss of three million dollars=> The plane crashed with serious LOSS OF LIFE
the death of a person/ A situation in which a business spends more money than it earns=> An occasion when a number of people die
Many parents feel a sense of LOSS when their children leave home/ It would be a great LOSS TO the department if you left.
The fact that u no longer have ST o have less f ST/ A disadvantage caused by SB leaving o by ST being taken away
She's definite that she wants to do it, and she'll NOT GIVE AN INCH an inch, however hard you try to persuade her.
Not change your opinion (not give/budge/move an inch)
I've tried moving the desk but it won't BUDGE, I can't budge it/ I've tried persuading her, but she won't BUDGE.
If ST will not budge o u cannot budge it, it will not move/ Change your opinion or to make SB change their opinion
A terrible scream ISSUED from the room.
If something issues from a place, it comes out of that place (LITERARY)
Cervical cancer may be cured with RADICAL surgery when it is confined to the pelvis or regional lymph nodes=> She was a RADICAL all her life=> Her views are not RADICALLY different from my own.
aimed at removing all diseased tissue (MEDICAL)=> A person who supports great social and political change
He was known as a RADICAL reformer/thinker/politician. These people have very RADICAL views/ We need to make some RADICAL changes to our operating procedures. I'm just having my hair trimmed - nothing RADICAL.
believing o expressing the ef that there should b great o extreme social o political change/ Relating t the most important parts f ST o SB; complete o extreme
said to mean that trying to be happy is a good way to stop worrying
People who were FAT-SHAMED as kids are actually more likely to be obese as adults.
make someone feel embarrassed or ashamed about being fat by publicly criticizing or drawing attention to it
This illness is FATAL in almost all cases. The FATAL shooting of an unarmed 15-year-old/ He made the FATAL mistake/error of believing what they told him=> Several people were injured, two FATALLY.
A fatal illness, accident, etc. causes death/ Very serious and having an important bad effect in the future
An ARDUOUS climb/task/journey/ In those days, a trip to the West was an ARDUOUS journey.
Difficult, needing a lot of effort and energy/ Difficult and tiring, or needing a great deal of effort
She claimed that the government had only changed the law in order to APPEASE their critics=> When he agreed to talks with the prime minister, he was accused of APPEASEMENT.
Prevent further disagreement in arguments o war by giving t the opposing side an advantage that they hv demanded
The content of her report is shrouded in SECRECY (= being kept secret). I'd love to tell you about it, but Martin's sworn me to SECRECY (= made me promise not to tell anyone).
the state of being secret or of keeping something secret
a small, shiny metal or plastic disc sewn onto clothes for decoration
Dried/fresh YEAST, YEAST extract=> The air outside had a sweet, YEASTY smell. It smells like a good YEASTY bread dough.
a type of fungus that is used in making alcoholic drinks such as beer and wine, and for making bread swell and become light
I stood up to say hello and spilled my drink IN THE PROCESS
If you are doing something, and you do something else in the process, the second thing happens as a result of doing the first thing
Our computer system consists of about 20 personal computers NETWORKED TO a powerful file-server/ I don't really enjoy these conferences, but they're a good opportunity to NETWORK.
Connect computers together so that they can share info/ Meet people who might be useful to know, esp in ur job
The ABC television NETWORK
A network is also a company that provides programs to a group of television or radio stations, or this company and the group considered together
a transportation NETWORK/ A NETWORK OF political advisers/ A domain name identifies a computer or computer NETWORK used to access the web.
A group formed frm parts that r connected together/ A group f people w the same interests/ A system f computers connected together so that they can share info
A SENSIBLE answer/approach/compromise/option/ It could be cold and wet so pack some SENSIBLE clothes.=> You have to eat more SENSIBLY.
Based on o acting on good judgment & practical ideas o understanding/ If an object is sensible, it is practical but not exciting
If a man exposes himself, he shows his sexual organs in a public place to people he does not know.
The plaster on the walls has been removed to EXPOSE the original bricks underneath/ It is feared that people living near the power station may have been EXPOSED TO radiation/ The review EXPOSED widespread corruption in the police force.
Remove what is covering ST so that it can be seen/ Put SB at risk frm ST harmful o unpleasant/ Make public ST bad o dishonest
She found out when he CASUALLY mentioned that he had an after-school detention/ I only work CASUALLY, so I have time to do other things.
in a way that is not serious or considered, or that happens by chance/ In a way that is not regular or fixed
She was dressed CASUALLY in shorts and a T-shirt/ He CASUALLY tossed the gift on the table
In a way that is not formal o not suitable fo a special o official occasion/ In a way that does not show any particular interest o care
LIVESTOCK farmers/industry/market, The organic LIVESTOCK industry has grown substantially in the last few years.
Animals kept on a farm, such as cows, sheep, chickens, & pigs/ Animals such as cows, sheep, etc. that are kept or traded as a source of income
PHYSICALLY I find him very attractive. The protestors had to be PHYSICALLY removed from the room (= they were taken away)/ No one could have climbed that wall - it's PHYSICALLY impossible.
in a way that relates to the body or SB's appearance/ In a way that relates to things you can see or touch or the laws of nature
He was ATTACKED and seriously injured by a gang of youths/ She wrote an article ATTACKING the judges and their conduct of the trial/ AIDS ATTACKS the body's immune system/ We have to attack these problems now and find some solutions.
Try t hurt o defeat using violence/Criticize SB strongly/If ST, such as a disease o a chemical, attacks ST,it damages it/Deal w ST quickly & in an effective way
I hadn't intended to get one - it was an IMPULSE BUY
something that you buy suddenly and without thinking carefully
The figures should sound WARNING BELLS that the economy is still too fragile to enable interest rates to rise.
signs or information telling people that something bad might happen
Completely without WARNING, he turned up at my door with all four children!=> The WARNING SIGNS of the illness are respiratory problems and dizziness.
ST that makes u understand there is a possible danger o problem, esp one in the future=> A physical condition that shows SB has a disease