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most ____ products are made with sweetened prepared mixes with artificial color and flavor
Gelatin Salads
– made by arranging two or more elements attractively on a plate
Composed Salads
contain fruits as their main ingredients, like appetizer salads or dessert salads.
Fruit Salad
are mixture of foods that are held together or bound with a dressing usually a thick dressing like mayonnaise.
Bound salads
are salads whose main ingredients are vegetables other than lettuce or other leafy greens.
Vegetable, Grain Legumes and Pasta Salads
must be fresh, clean, crisp and cold and well drained. Moisture and air are necessary to keep greens crisp.
Green salads
salad are usually sweet and may contain items such as fruits, sweetened gelatin, nuts and cream.
Dessert salads
these salads must be very light without filling. Rich, heavy dressings such as sour cream and mayonnaise should be avoided.
Separate course salads
should be large enough to serve as a full meal and should contain a substantial portion of protein.
Main course salads
Heavier salads such as macaroni or high protein salads containing seafood, cheese are less appropriate, unless the main course is light.
Side dish salads
It must balance and harmonize with the rest of the meal, like any other side dish.
accompaniment salads
It stimulate appetite which has fresh, crisp ingredients; tangy flavorful dressing; and attractive, appetizing appearance.
Appetizer Salads