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What is the name for a Māori village?
A Pā site
What is a 'mara kai'?
gardens to grow food
What type of shell is Moana's necklace made of?
Paua shell
What is this called? (from the Moana movie)
The heart of Te Fiti
What is the Māori name for 'Meeting house' or 'Ancestral house'?
Wharenui / Whare Tūpuna
What is the Māori word for tattoo?
moko (kauae moko for a tattoo on the chin for woman)
What is the Māori word for boat?
What is the Māori word for a tribe?
What does the word 'Mātauranga' mean?
knowledge / education
Finish this phrase - Aotearoa, land of the.....
long white cloud
Who re-named these islands New Zealand?
the Dutch explorer, Abel Tasman was from Zealand in Denmark
According to the legends, who named these islands Aotearoa?
Kupe's wife
According to the legends, who fished up the North Island of Aotearoa?
What does 'indigenous' mean?
native people / first nations people
Who is Ngāti Whātua?
The local iwi of this area
What does the word 'manaakitanga' mean?
To take care of, respect, hospitality
What is a 'kaitiaki'?
A guardian
What is the name of the lava monster from the Moana movie?
Te Kaa
What is the name of this character from the Moana movie?
Te Fiti
Where is Puhihuia from?
Maungawhau / Mt Eden
Who was the first European explorer to reach NZ?
Abel Tasman in 1642
When did Māori first arrive to Aotearoa?
What is a pataka?
the place where food was stored on a pā site
What is the creature tatooed on Moana's grandmother's back?
What is a karanga?
A call
What is a pōwhiri?
A welcoming ceremony for visitors into a place
What is a waharoa?
The gateway to a pā site
Who is the atua of the ocean?
According to the legends, who was the brother that separated his parents Rangi and Papa?
What is the name of the Maori sky father?
What is the name of the Maori earth mother?
What is the english name for Maungakiekie?
One Tree Hill
What is the English name for the mountain Ohinerau?
Mt Hobson
What is the English name for Maungawhau?
Mt Eden
What does the word 'mana' mean?
power, prestige, authority, status
What does the word 'noa' mean?
normal, no restrictions
What does the word 'tapu' mean?
sacred, set apart, restricted
What did the early Māori travel to Aotearoa on?
Where was Kupe from?
Who was the first person to discover Aotearoa?
What creature did Kupe chase across the Pacific that led him to Aotearoa?
A wheke / octopus