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To be/ have got

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ella no tiene pĂĄjaros
She hasn't got any birds
No tengo caballos
I haven't got any horses
No soy tu amigo
I am not your friend
Sus perros (de ellos) son pequeños
Their dogs are small
Mary tiene 2 gatos. Sus gatos son verdes.
Mary has got two cats. Her cats are green.
Mi mejor amiga no es alta
My best friend isn't tall
Mis primos no son japoneses
My cousins aren't Japanese
ÂżEres feliz?
Are you happy?
¿Tienes un teléfono?
Have you got a phone?
Lucas, Marcos y Paula tienen tres perros
Lucas, Marcos and Paula have got three dogs
Mary y Tom son hermana y hermano
Mary and Tom are sister and brother
Mary es guapa
Mary is beautiful
Mi amiga tiene una pelota
My friend has got a ball
Ellos son jugadores de fĂștbol
They are football players
Mi casa es grande
My house is big