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Appraisal - VA

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On which document is the appraiser information located? 
1805 document
On a refinance, what document is required to be uploaded to the VA portal? 
Legal Description
What should we update our  "status" to within the  "DM APPRAISAL ORDER" tracking once the appraisal has been ordered? 
What system do we place the appraisal order? 
VA Portal / VA/ VA loan guaranty system
If an existing order exists with another lender what should your next step be?
Reach out to the CA/LO with our VA case transfer form, we will need to get the case transferred from the existing lender to Freedom Mortgage.
Where in lakewood do we update the Appraisal Coordinator contact name? 
11 Contact name and addresses
When requesting an appraisal order, on purchase files what document should you upload?
Sales Contract/Agreememnt 
When the Appraisal has been ordered what status should the "DM Appraisal Order" be set to?
When placing an Appraisal order what is the name of the document we will need to save to EDMS?
1805 document
When placing an appraisal order in the VA portal what (2) required items are needed? 
SSN and Year of Birth