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Sviatoslav Vakarchuk (write) songs for over 20 years. So far he (write) over 200 songs.
Sviatoslav Vakarchuk 's been writing songs for over 20 years. So far he 's written over 200 songs.
How long (you/know) your best friend?
How long have you known your best friend?
How long (you / stay) in this hotel?
How long have you been staying in this hotel?
Eew! What’s that smell in my room? Somebody (smoke) here. – It’s probably Peter. I know he (smoke) 2 packs of cigarettes today.
Eew! What’s that smell in my room? Somebody 's been smoking here. – It’s probably Peter. I know he 's smoked 2 packs of cigarettes today.
I (try) to find you all morning! Where (you/be)?
I 've been trying to find you all morning! Where have you been?
How many times (you/be) to Odesa? – I think I (visit) it more than 10 times.
How many times have you been to Odesa? – I think I 've visited it more than 10 times.
My husband and I (go) to the same hotel in Egypt every year since 2012.
My husband and I 've been going to the same hotel in Egypt every year since 2012.
Hey, do you want to go for a run? – No, thanks, I (already/work out) today.
Hey, do you want to go for a run? – No, thanks, I 've already worked out today.
Marco (work out) every weekend. He really wants to be fit!
Marco 's been working out every weekend. He really wants to be fit!
Pavlo (just/discover) the show “Friends”. – Oh, really? – Yes, he (watch) it on Netflix for a week now.
Pavlo 's just discovered the show “Friends”. – Oh, really? – Yes, he 's been watching it on Netflix for a week now.
What’s that smell? – It’s paint. Jessica (paint) her room. – When is she going to finish?
What’s that smell? – It’s paint. Jessica 's been painting her room. – When is she going to finish?
Jessica (paint) her room pink. – Yes, it looks great!
Jessica 's painted her room pink. – Yes, it looks great!