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Might may won't will definitely

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Correct the sentence: I've applied for a brilliant job, but I probably won't get it.
I've applied for a brilliant job, but I probably won't get it.
Correct the sentence: My mobile's broken, so I'll probaby buy a new one.
My mobile's broken, so I'll probaby buy a new one.
Correct the sentence: It will rain probably tomorrow.
It will probably rain tomorrow.
Correct the sentence: Newcastle probably will have flying cars in the next 20 years.
Newcastle will probably have flying cars in the next twenty years.
Correct the sentence: We won't definitely go abroad on holiday next year.
We definitely won't go abroad on holiday next year.
Correct the sentence : Martine might be not at Sally's party next week
Martine might not be at Sally's party next week.
able / will / We / next week / be / to give / you / definitely / an answer
We will definitely be able to give you an answer next week.
the answer / know / probably / to your question / won't / He
He probably won't know the answer to your question.
will / tomorrow / be / Stefan / definitely / at home
Stefan will definitely be at home tomorrow.
be / There / won't / any / tonight / snow / definitely
There definitely won't be any snow tonight.
will / win / probably / I / Germany / think / the football match
I think Germany will probably win the football match.