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Guessing Teacher

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I have short straight black hair. I do not wear glasses. I teach lessons about creating something colorful and make it more beautiful. Many people love to learn this lesson with me. Who am I?
Ms Vita
I have short straight black hair. I do wear glasses. I teach lessons using another language. Many people love to learn this language with me. Who am I?
Ms Eva
I have long wavy black hair. I do wear glasses. I teach lessons using another language and it's about solving word problems. Who am I?
Ms Berlianta
I have short straight black hair. I do wear glasses. I teach using English. I teach lessons about other languages which have so many characters and Pīnyīn. Who am I?
Ms Widya
You never see my hair. I teach lessons using Bahasa Indonesia. I teach about poems. Who am I?
Ms Komala
I have short straight black hair. I do wear glasses. I teach lessons about nutrition. Who am I?
Ms Feni
I have short straight black hair. I do wear glasses. My type of skin is tanned. I teach lessons using Bahasa Indonesia. The lesson is about the weather, climate, and social life.
Ms Elice