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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Translate into English: Tôi đã thuê một căn hộ ở Hà Nội.
I rented a flat/ an apartment in Hanoi.
Make a sentence: In my room, there ______
Your answer
Fill in the blank: A: Where (1)_____ you yesterday at 9PM? B: I was (2)____ a meeting.
(1) were (2) in
What was the day yesterday?
Yesterday was Tuesday.
Name the months that have 30 days
April, June, September, November
What can you see in the picture?
I see ___/ There are ___
Do you go to the beach in the summer or winter?
Your answer.
Fill in the blank: When did they ______ at the hotel?
What does she do?
She calls a friend.
Fill in the blank: I _____ a present to my mother on her birthday last month.
Fill in the blank: There _____ a pillow in the picture.
is not (isn't)
Are there any apples in the picture?
No, there are not (aren't).
Fill in the blank: There (1)____ a (2)_____ in the picture.
There is a bath in the room.
Fill in the blank: A: (1)_______ (2)______ you park the car? B: I (3)______ it near my house.
(1) Where (2) did (3) parked
Make a question with When using past simple
When did you go to school? When was your class?
Fill in the blank: Where ____ he last night?
Fill in the blank: I ____ (see) a dog outside yesterday.
What did he do last summer?
He went to the beach
When is your birthday?
Your birthday
What time did she get up?
She got up at 9.
What did you have for breakfast?
I had a sandwich and coffee
What did they do?
They went to the cinema.