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Phrasal verbs & Idiosms

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Phrasal verb: He felt sick and dizzy and then _________.
passed out
Phrasal verb: I wish I hadn't _______ all my old video games. I'd love to play through them all again!
given away
Phrasal verb: Can you ________ the volume on the TV? I can't hear anything the reporter is saying.
turn up
Phrasal verb: Don't ________ the bandage or the wound might get infected.
pull off
Phrasal verb: If you ______ you will regret it later.
drop out
Idiom:______________: we can certainly consider ourselves to be great chefs.
So far so good
Idiom: Thanks for getting me _________.I couldn't pay so much money because of that vase that I broke.
off the hook
Idiom: You __________ all the love I give. I best give it to someone else.
take for granted
Idiom: Shawn: Bruh, have you seen Aurora's Instagram lately? Christian: YEAH! I'm about to ___________ on that right now.
slide into the DM's
Idiom: It's up to the boss to ___________.
call the shots
Idiom: She'll be quite happy and _________ she'll burst out crying.
all of a sudden
Idiom: Will the officer just __________?
go by the book