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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Darwin bought 5 rolls of paper towels. He got 383.1 meters of paper towels in all. How many meters of paper towels were on each roll?
A chemist puts 2.6 liters of liquid in each of 9 beakers. How much liquid is there in total?
It rained 2.18 inches on Monday. On Tuesday, it rained 2.15 inches less than on Monday. How much did it rain on Tuesday?
A race car driver can drive one lap in 7.3 minutes. How long will it take the race car driver to drive 20 laps?
Ramon and his classmates placed blocks on a scale. The purple block weighed 3.56 pounds and the orange block weighed 0.8 pounds. How much more did the purple block weigh than the orange block?
Over the past few years, Gabby has made 4 trips to visit the amusement park. She drove 347 miles in all. How far did Gabby drive on each trip?
It rained 0.7 inches on Saturday and 0.7 inches on Sunday. How much did it rain on Saturday and Sunday combined?
Each cement block weighs 0.3 kilograms. How much do 8 blocks weigh in total?
Sheyla placed 15 weights on a scale during science class. If each weight weighed 0.4 grams, what did the scale read?
6 people will equally split 747.3 acres of land. How much land will each person get?
What does quotient mean?
When you see the word average, do you add, subtract, multiply or divide?
Conner bought 7 pounds of almonds and 0.3 pounds of pecans. How many pounds of nuts did he buy in all?
Fernando M. used 8.5 cups of flour to bake 5 cakes. How much flour, on average, did he put in each cake?
DD bought 3.4 ounces of chocolate and she ate 1.27 ounces of it. How much was left?