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Nervous System Overview & Medical Terms

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What did you enjoy learning most about the Nervous System? Each Teammate must answer.
What does the Nervous System consist of
Brain, Spinal Cord, Cranial & Spinal Nerves
What are the 2 divisions of the Nervous System
The Central Nervous System & The Peripheral Nervous System
The Meninges do what for the Brain and Spinal Cord
Protect and nourish it
What separates the Left & Right Cerebral Hemispheres
The Longitudinal Fissure
What are the 2 hemispheres of the Brain
The Left & Right Cerebral Hemisphere
The Cerebrum contains elevations (folds) and grooves (ridges) known as
Gyri and sulci
What is the second largest part of the Brain
The Cerebellum
The Spinal Cord affects
The lower limbs and lower trunk
The Spinal Cord is a pathway for what
Impulses traveling to and from the Brain
The Spinal Cord carries how many pairs of Spinal Nerves
The set of 12 nerves that originate in the Brain
Cranial nerves
The functions of the Cranial Nerves are
Sensory, motor, or both
How are the cranial nerves labeled
With Roman Numerals
The prefix hypo- means
below or under
The Root Word Spin/o means
The Root Word Thromb/o means
The term Quadriplegia means
Paralysis of all 4 extremities
The term Bradykinesia means
Abnormally slow movement
A small hollow within the brain that is filled with cerebrospinal fluid
A degenerative disease that progresses through stages ending with the deterioration of mental, emotional, and physical functioning
A very brief period of ischemia in the brain, lasting from minutes to hours, which can cause a variety of symptoms
Transient Ischemic Attack
A usually temporary weakness and paralysis of the muscles in the face
Bells Palsy
The term Encephalitis means
Inflammation of the Brain (or spinal cord tissue)
The Root Word Crani/o means
The suffix –cele means
hernia or tumor
The suffix –plegia means
The suffix -sis means
The root word Cervic/o
Name a type of muscle tissue under involuntary control
skeletal muscle
Name a type of muscle tissue NOT under voluntary control
Which division of the Nervous System contains the Cranial and Spinal Nerves
Which division of the Nervous System processes and stores sensory and motor information
Conducts impulses away from the cell body
What Neuroglia cell produces the myelin sheath for the Axons?
In the term Electromyography What are the root word(s)
electricity and muscle
Contains the cardiac, vasomotor, and respiratory centers of the Brain
medulla oblongata
This occurs when a cerebral vessel ruptures, allowing blood into the CSF, brain tissue, or sub arachnoid space
cerebral hemorrhage
A broken segment of the skull thrust into the brain as a result of direct force
depressed skull fracture
What nerves carry impulses from the CNS to the body
The weblike middle layer of the meninges
arachnoid layer
In the term Myelography, the root word means bone marrow? True or False
In the term Craniotomy, the suffix means
incision into
The term that describes "without speech" ( say it and spell it out )
Measurement of electrical activity produced by the brain and recorded through electrodes placed on the scalp
EEG - electroencephalography
A reoccurring, pulsating, vascular headache that usually develops on one side of the head, often preceded by an aura
Surgical removal of the bony arches from one or more vertebrae is known as
The root word dendr/o
The root word thec/o
The root word caus/o
The root word tax/o
The root word radicul/o
Conducts impulses towards the cell body
In the term Dyphasia, the prefix means