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Can / Can't

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My little brother’s four. He _______ English very well but he ______ it. (speak / read)
can speak / can't read
My mum ________ salsa quite well and she _________the guitar, too. She’s really good at it! (dance / play)
can dance / can play
My cousin _______ good photos but she ________ videos. She’s really bad at it! (take / make)
can take / can't make
My dad _______ because he hasn’t got a good voice, but he _______ amazing pictures. (sing / draw)
can't sing / can draw
? Write a question!
- Negative sentece!
Affirmative sentence!
you / do ballet? (✗)
Can you do ballet? No, I can't
students / work in groups / in maths classes? (✓)
Can students work in groups in math classes? Yes, they can.
María / speak two languages? (✗)
Can Maria speak two languages? No, she can't.
your niece / play the piano? (✓)
Can your niece play the piano? Yes, she can.
students / ask questions / in class? (✓)
Can students ask questions in class? Yes, they can.
students / check their phone / in class? (✗)
Can students check their phone in class? No, they can't.