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Vocabulary list 7 (Chapter 6: Fiction:Tell Me a  ...

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WORD CLASS: damp [ Wipe up the mess with a damp cloth. ]
damp adjective
Use "twitch verb" in a meaningful sentence.
Learner's Answer His left leg twitched. Her mouth was twitching as she began to cry.
WORD CLASS: rumble [ Thunder rumbled in the distance. I got hungry and my stomach started rumbling. ]
rumble  verb
Give one word: (of a bell) to ring slowly
toll verb ( to toll )
Define: squeal [ The pigs were squealing. or The car squealed to a stop. ]
Meaning:   to make or cause (something) to make a long, high-pitched cry or noise
Define: scampering [The kids were scampering around the yard. or A mouse scampered across the floor.]
Meaning:  to run or move quickly and often playfully
Antonym of horrendous: Her taste in clothes is horrendous.
beautiful delightful fortunate good nice pleasant pleasing wonderful
Antonym of repulsive: a repulsive [=repellent] man or The rotten meat was repulsive. 
agreeable attractive beautiful delightful friendly gentle good great
There was something peculiar in the way he smiled. WORD CLASS: peculiar
peculiar: adjective Meaning: not usual or normal 
Today's weather will be windy, with gusts of up to 40 miles per hour. WORD CLASS: gusts
gust noun: a sudden strong increase in the amount and speed of wind that is blowing
Use "loom : verb" in a meaningful sentence.
A dark shape loomed up ahead of us. / There was a crisis looming.
Use "stench : noun" in a meaningful sentence.
an overpowering stench of rotting fish / (figurative) The stench of treachery hung in the air.
SYNONYM: All she could hear was the sound of waves pounding against the cliffs.
Hammer / Hit / Beat / Strike to hit something/somebody hard many times, especially in a way that makes a lot of noise
Use "bloodcurdling" adjective in a meaningful sentence.
Learner's Answer: a blood-curdling scream/story
Use "sinister" adjective in a meaningful sentence.
Learner's Answer There was something cold and sinister about him. There is another, more sinister, possibility. We needn’t assume that there was a sinister moti
SYNONYM: They were all moaning and groaning about the amount of work they had.
to complain about something, especially in an annoying way
Difference between: He had the audience hooting with laughter. / The car behind me hooted impatiently. / We could hear an owl hooting in the woods.
moan/cry to make a loud noise/ if a car horn hoots or you hoot or hoot the horn, the horn makes a loud noise / when an owl hoots, it makes a long calling sound
Use "creak : verb" in a meaningful sentence.
Learner's Answer She heard a floorboard creak upstairs. a creaking bed/gate/stair The table creaked and groaned under the weight. The timbers creaked as the boa
Difference between: The parrot squawked and flew away. / ‘You did what?!’ she squawked.
First: (of birds) to make a loud sharp sound / Second: to speak or make a noise in a loud, sharp voice because you are angry, surprised, etc.
Give one word: (of a bell or a clock) to ring; to show the time by making a ringing sound
chime (verb) - to chime