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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which of the following is a first-hand account of information? A. The Bell Power Plant is experimenting with solar panels. B. With the addition to solar panels to my roof, I am already looking forward to the money I will save.
B. With the addition to solar panels to my roof, I am already looking forward to the money I will save.
Last night we got 5 inches of snow! When I woke up I learned school was canceled! What text structure is this? A. Description B. Chronological order C. Cause and Effect
Cause and Effect
Textbooks, research papers, and many newspaper articles provide this type of account for their readers. A. firsthand account of information B. secondhand account of information
B. secondhand account of information
Can you please read the second stanza of that poem? Another name for stanza is? A. paragraph B. line C. verse D. meter
C. verse
I can't believe my stepmother is making me do all of these chores! Oh, how I miss my mother and father. My only wish is for someone to save me from this life. The above story is written in what point of view? A. 1st B. 2nd C. 3rd
A. 1st
"You're" going to have to practice a lot if you want to improve "your" basketball game! The above quoted words can be called which of the following? A. antonyms B. synonyms C. similes D. homophones
D. homophones
Because I love math and studied hard, I thought yesterday's test was a piece of cake! The above phrase is what type of figurative language? A. proverb B. idiom C. simile D. homophone
B. idiom
The lost puppy had "dirty" paws from running in the mud and a "filthy" coat! The above quoted words can be called which of the following? A. antonyms B. synonyms C. similes D. homophones
B. synonyms
My new cat was very small. However, "she was as brave as a lion" when she played with my dog! The above quoted words can be called which of the following? A. simile B. antonym C. idiom D. metaphor
A. simile