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A0_class 4 (grammar)

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Actors like their work.
Actors don’t like their work. Do actors like their work?
Angela and her sister play with toys.
Angela and her sister don’t play with toys. Do Angela and her sister play with toys?
They study in Poland.
They don’t study in Poland. Do they study in Poland?
You eat meat with salad for dinner.
You don’t eat meat with salad for dinner. Do you eat meat with salad for dinner?
You have a new black laptop.
You don’t have a new black laptop. Do you have a new black laptop?
You clean your room every Saturday.
You don’t clean your room every Saturday. Do you clean your room every Saturday?
My dogs like playing with a ball.
My dogs don’t like playing with a ball. Do my dogs like playing with a ball?
We play football every Sunday morning.
We don’t play football every Sunday morning. Do we play football every Sunday morning?
Tom and his wife go to church every Sunday.
Tom and his wife don’t go to church every Sunday. Do Tom and his wife go to church every Sunday?
My grandparents have dinner at 6pm on Saturdays.
My grandparents don’t have dinner at 6pm on Saturdays. Do my grandparents have dinner at 6pm on Saturdays?
We go to the Carpathians very winter.
We don’t go to the Carpathians very winter. Do we go to the Carpathians very winter?
Young people like new smartphones.
Young people don’t like new smartphones. Do young people like new smartphones?
You know my brother very well.
You don’t know my brother very well. Do you know my brother very well?
They learn 10 new words every day.
They don’t learn 10 new words every day. Do they learn 10 new words every day?